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Niall O'Meara 6 Great Connell, , Newbridge, Kildare, W12 WF85Description:
Planning permission to complete a one storey extension to rear of two storey semi-detached dwelling and all associated siteworks
Blackwater valley Enterprise Centre - New part single storey, part two storey enterprise and community building, Knockconan, Emyvale, Co. Monaghan Knockconan, , Emyvale, Monaghan,Description:
The development consists of the erection of a part single storey, part two storey enterprise and community building comprising a commercial kitchen, teaching and conference spaces, office and hot desk accommodation, exhibition space, shop, multi-purpose hall and ancillary accommodation. Also included is a proposed access road from the public road, entrance gates and piers, car parking, boundary fencing, external landscaping, retaining structures, lamp standards, wastewater treatment plant with percolation area and all associated site works.
Clontibret GAA Terrace & Lighting Lisglassan, , Moys, Monaghan, H18 K827Description:
Erection of Concrete Terracing & Flood Lighting
P_25-002_Dwelling House Stickins, , Carragh, Naas, Kildare, W91 V2KDDescription:
The construction of a one and a half storey type extension to rear (north east) elevation of existing single storey house, construction of single storey link to existing house with minor internal alterations within the existing house and replacement windows to front (south west) elevation and insertion of 2 no. new windows on sides (south east) elevation and side (north west) elevation, garage / store for domestic use, the installation of a proprietary wastewater treatment plant with polishing filter and percolation area and upgrading of existing entrance to a recessed vehicular entrance and all associated site works.
Dwelling Shane & Caoimhe Moran Glebe, , Emyvale, Monaghan,Description:
permission to construct a two-storey dwelling, single storey detached domestic garage, new entrance with gates and piers, new wastewater treatment system and percolation area together with all associated works at Glebe, Emyvale, Co. Monaghan
Applied Materials Straffan Road, , Maynooth, Kildare, W23 Y7X0Description:
Strip out/Demolition of the existing office Fitout including partitions and glazing, ceilings and floors. Refurbishment and internal configuration of office at ground floor level. Including VRF system, new partitions and ceilings, Floor and wall Finishes, new office furniture and Joinery. Data and power cabling. Replacement of window blinds.
Application No.: -
Daniel Mc Nello & Co, Public House, Candlefort, Inniskeen, Co. Monaghan. Candlefort, , Inniskeen, Monaghan, A91 RW63Description:
The works to include upgrading of existing floors & ceilings and all associated site works so that the public house will be separated with fire resistant construction - Re: Fire Safety Certificate Ref: FSC 2024/61.
Application No.: -
Dwelling House Pearse Mc Kenna Tonintlieve, , Carrickroe, Emyvale, Monaghan,Description:
Two storey dwelling house, insert filter unit and percolation area, exit on to public road and all associated works.
St Vincent's Hospital, Athy. Day Services Woodstock Street, , Athy, Kildare, R14Ay22Description:
Alterations and fitout works for day services at St Vincent's Hospital Athy.
Application No.: -
Retail Conversion 35 Park Street, , Monaghan, Monaghan, H18 NH94Description:
Material change of use from retail to residential use to include 1no. 1 bed apartment together with all associated works