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  • Familly Cottage at Tully East, Kildare, Co. Kildare Tully East, , Kildare, Kildare, R51 CX59

    Proposed change of use of existing stables into a family cottage, which consists of kitchen / living / dining area, bathroom, 2no. bedroom and storage.

    23257 View details
  • Cabin No.3 at Tully East, Kildare, Co. Kildare. Tully East, , Kildare, Kildare, R51 CX59

    Proposed glamping cabin (Cabin No.3), which consists of kitchen / living / dining area, bathroom, and bedroom.

    23257 View details
  • Cabin No.2 at Tully East, Kildare, Co. Kildare Tully East, , Kildare, Kildare, R51 CX59

    Proposed glamping cabin (Cabin No.2), which consists of kitchen / living / dining area, bathroom, and bedroom.

    23257 View details
  • Cabin No.1 at Tully East, Kildare, Co. Kildare. Tully East, , Kildare, Kildare, R51 CX59

    Proposed glamping cabin (Cabin No.1), which consists of kitchen / living / dining area, bathroom, and bedroom.

    23257 View details
  • 5 Blackdown, Kiteel, Naas, Co. Kildare 5 Blackdown, Kiteel,, , Naas, Kildare, W91 WFP8

    The development will consist/consists of Permission for a proposed domestic extension to the side (N-W) elevation with roof lights, single storey infill flat roof extension to front (S-W) elevation to link the existing garage to the main house, dormer windows to the rear (N-E) elevation and a single storey flat roof domestic extension at a lower level with roof lights, proposed single story flat roof extension and roof lights into existing pitched roof on side (S-E) elevation, including the erection of a covered terrace with outdoor fireplace/chimney to the rear of the existing dwelling house. Extension to existing single storey building to the rear (N-W) elevation and the removal of pitched roof with replacement flat roof. Proposed solar panels to front (S-W) elevation. Amendments to all elevations including internal refurbishments and all associated site works.

    21/792 View details
  • No. 35 Monread Gardens 35 MONREAD GARDENS, , Naas, Kildare, W91 FYD2

    for a first floor extension to the side of an existing semi-detached two storey dwelling, an Attic extension creating attic storage space in the existing and proposed attic space which includes a dormer window to the rear, associated alterations to the Front, Side & Rear elevations and all ancillary site works

    2460354 View details
  • 79 Willouise Extension 79 Willouise, , Sallins, Kildare, W91 TDK1

    Single-storey extension to the side of the house.

    24/60842 View details
  • new extension 65 The Great Southern, , Newbridge, Kildare, W12 PX82

    for single story extension to the rear and side of existing house

    2460807 View details
  • Moloney 90 vanessa lawns, , Celbridge, Kildare, W23 CX70

    Construction of 2.465m x 1.5m front porch

    22/896 View details
  • OLDCARTON Kildare, W23 T9H2

    i) Single storey flat roof extension to rear of property (ii) Rooflights added to front (iii) modification of existing joinery at the side (iv) Associated internal modifications and site works.

    23/847 View details



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