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Magee Barracks, Co. Kildare Phase 3 - Units 251-258 Magee Barracks, , Kildare, Kildare,Description:
Construction of 8 No. residential units consisting of 6 no. flats and 2 no. duplex units (no's 251-258 inclusive) at Magee Barracks
Magee Barracks, Co. Kildare Phase 3 - Units 245-250 Magee Barracks, , Kildare, Kildare,Description:
Construction of 6 No. residential units consisting of 4 no. flats and 2 no. duplex units (no's 245-250 inclusive) at Magee Barracks
Conversion of Attic with Dormer to rear @ 547 O'Neills Park 547 O'Neills Park, Dublin Road, , Maynooth, Kildare, W23 T6K7Description:
conversion of the attic area into study/storage with a dormer window to the rear and two rooflights to front roof, internal modifications, all to existing dwelling including associated site works
Maplebrook Extension Fishery Lane, , Naas, Kildare, W91 Y02YDescription:
Single-story extension to the rear and side of the existing dwelling, and extension of the existing front porch of the house, and the refurbishment of the existing garage to incorporate a home office, together with all ancillary siteworks
292 old greenfield 292 Old Greenfield, , Maynooth, Kildare, W23 R2F4Description:
Demolish chimney and single storey rear extensions and sheds and construct single storey enlarged extension to rear, new porch to front and alter existing front windows
19 Glen Easton Gardens 19 Glen Easton Gardens, , Leixlip, Kildare, W23 F795Description:
Conversion of attic space to storage space with dormer to rear roof
Hill House Tipper Road, Naas, Co Kildare, , Naas, Kildare, W91 XA97Description:
- Removal of non-original conservatory, single and two storey extensions to rear and side (130 sqm). - Removal of non-original fixtures and fittings. - Removal of non-original secondary entrance gates and side walls. - Change of use of existing 2 storey main house from mixed residential and pre-school / after school care use back to residential use, to be used as a single family dwelling (232 sqm). - Change of use of the existing 2 storey mews building to the rear of the main house from pre-school / after school care use to ancillary recreational use, to be used for home office, gym, storage and recreational purposes (123 sqm). - Refurbishment and repair of main house and mews building. - Restoration of original fenestration to main house. - Replacement of non-original fenestration to mews building. - Modifications to internal layouts at ground and first floor levels. - Construction of new part single and part two storey extension to rear and sides (65sqm). - All associated ancillary, conservation, landscaping and site development works.
KARE Modular Building KARE Shrewleen Lane, , Athy, Kildare,Description:
Erection of modular building, siteworks and all ancillary works
Part demolition of existing Bungalow and construction of extension 8 Curryhills Park, , Prosperous, Kildare, W91 FH5RDescription:
Part demolition of an existing bungalow, construction of extensions to the front, rear, and side, with a new roof over to form a dormer bungalow, construction of a detached domestic shed, removal of existing vehicular entrance point and replacement with a new entrance point at an alternative location on the site, and all associated ancillary site-works at 8 Curryhills Park, Prosperous
Rear Extension at Stickens Caragh Stickens, , Caragh, Kildare, W91 WN7CDescription:
A new storey and a half extension to the rear (134sqm), and the replacement and relocation of the existing septic tank