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  • Extension to existing House - Blake Parsonstown, Carbury, kildare

    (A) Planning permission for erection of single storey extension to Front (north elevation), side (east elevation) and rear (south elevation). (B) Alterations to the front elevation consisting of, the removal of 2 no existing windows and the insertion of 4 no. windows. (C) Planning permission for the installation of increased percolation area and all associated site works.

    14/716 View details
  • Extension to existing House- Mahon Cappagh, Enfield, kildare

    A. Change of use of existing domestic garage to residential accommodation to form granny flat. B. Erection of a single storey link between existing house and garage to form entrance to the proposed granny flat. C. Internal alterations to existing house and forming new doorway into the proposed link

    13/843 View details
  • James Neary 112 Beatty Grove, Celbridge, kildare

    Side extension to dwelling house

    14/656 View details
  • Bridget Kinsella Killelan Cross, Simonstown East,, Moone,, kildare

    Demolition of an existing house and outbuildings in ruins, construction of a two storey farm style house, separate double garage, well, septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works.

    13/424 View details
  • Extension at Shanrath West Athy Shanrath West, Athy, kildare

    renovate and extend existing dwelling house consisting of a dormer extension over the annexe and an extension to the rear of the dwelling house to include a velux window in roof and all necessary and associated site works to up grade existing septic tank to a proprietary effluent treatment system and percolation area.

    14/672 View details
  • Two Storey semi-detached 3 bedroom dwellinghouse ( House Type A ) -Site 226 Site 226 Old Bridge Station , Osberstown, Naas, kildare

    Two Storey semi-detached 3 bedroom dwellinghouse ( House Type A ) Site 226

    14165 View details
  • Two Storey semi-detached 3 bedroom dwellinghouse ( House Type A ) -Site 225 Site 225 Old Bridge Station , Osberstown,, Naas, kildare

    Two Storey semi-detached 3 bedroom dwellinghouse ( House Type A ) Site 225

    14165 View details
  • 1293 Goretti Terrace 1293 Goretti Terrace, Prosperous, kildare

    Construction of an extension to the rear of, and internal and elevation changes to the existing dwelling and the construction of a replacement boundary wall and gate to the entrance to the site.

    14/567 View details
  • Extension to Existing Dwelling at Laraghbryan East & Maynooth Townland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare Laraghbryan East & Maynooth Townland, Maynooth, kildare

    Single Storey Extension to the rear of existing dwelling, the development of attic space to habitable space incorporating the construction of a new pitched roof to existing dwelling, the demolition of existing shed, the upgrade from an existing septic tank to a proprietary domestic effluent treatment system with new polishing filter and all associated site works.

    14/761 View details
  • Extension to Cottage - Finn James Derryvarroge , Donadea, kildare

    The development consists of A) Planning permission for the refurbishment of a derelict vernacular type cottage structure. B) Erection of single storey extension to the west elevation of the existing derelict vernacular type cottage structure. C) Erection of single storey garage/fuel store for domestic use. D) Installation of proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area. E) Upgrading of existing agricultural lane way to a vehicular access drive way and all associated site works

    14/366 View details



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