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Cappagh GAA Club Newtown, Enfield, kildareDescription:
Development will consist of a single storey clubhouse, a single storey sports hall, proprietary waste water and effluent treatment system, percolation area, connection to water mains and all associated site works.
Housing At Chelmsford Manor Phase 2 Newtown Road, Celbridge, kildareDescription:
Construction of 39 dwellings, 3 and 4 bed 2 storey detached, semi detached and terraced units and associated site works forming Phase 2 of commenced scheme, Chelmsford, Celbridge.
Sub-dividing Unit 4 Watermill Place, Monasterevin Unit 4, Watermill Place, Monasterevin, kildareDescription:
Sub dividing Unit 4 and change of use of sub-divided unit from Class 1 (shop) to Class 8 (provision of medical or health services) at Unit 4, Watermill Place, Monasterevin
Dormer Dwelling House at Two Mile House for Ann McCarthy Two Mile House, Naas, kildareDescription:
Propose to erect a dormer dwelling house, detached garage, foul water effluent treatment system and percolation area and associated site works.
Bungalow at Fleshtown Fleshtown, Sallins, kildareDescription:
For the proposed construction of a Bungalow dwelling, domestic garage, on-site waste water treatment system, recessed entrance and all ancillary site works
Gingerstown, Caragh, Naas, County Kildare Gingerstown, Caragh, Naas, kildareDescription:
internal alterations to existing single storey house, and extension at ground and first floor to side of house
House Construction - M.Mulligan Ballynakill, Enfield, kildareDescription:
The erection of bungalow, garage/fuel store for domestic use and the installation of Proprietary wastewater treatment plant with raised polishing filter percolation area and all associated site works
The Acre project The Acre Site, Salesian College, Celbridge, Co. Kildare., Celbridge, kildareDescription:
Phase 2 Eco-Horticultural education facility development at the Acre Site, Salesian College, Celbridge, Co. Kildare.
House Construction _T. Walsh Cappagh, Kilcock, kildareDescription:
the development consists of (A) to remove condition No.3 attached to planning permission file ref. No. 00/466 relating to the sterilization of lands. (B) erection of single storey house. (C) garage/fuel store for domestic use and (D) the installation of Bord na Mona Platinum unit and Tertiary treatment in a 2 Module Puraflo wastewater treatment plant with percolation area and all associated site works
Kildare Town Educate Together National School Magee Barracks, Kildare Town, kildareDescription:
Two storey national school comprising 16 classrooms, general purpose hall, servery, library/resource room, special education tuition rooms, offices, staff areas, sanitary, two class base special needs unit, central activities space, multi-sensory room and ancillary accommodation with an additional floor area of circa 3293 square metres