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5696 results

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  • House Construction -Lynch Tirmoghan, Donadea, kildare

    Constructing a bungalow, detached domestic garage, Bison treatment system and all ancillary site works

    14/72 View details
  • Tom McCreery Mainham, Clane, kildare

    The demolition of the existing two-storey extension and the construction of a new two-storey extension, comprising a self contained new dwelling, to the rear of the existing two-storey building.

    14/197 View details
  • St. Davids National School, at Pipers Hill, Naas. Pipers Hill, Naas, kildare

    The development will consist of a new split-level school building of with 6 classrooms, library, GP hall, toilet facilities & ancillary facilities. The development will also include a new vehicular access road to the proposed school from the existing campus road, revised car park arrangement, set down, turning area and all other associated site works at Pipers Hill, Naas, Co. Kildare.

    13/480 View details
  • Winters - Extension - 15 Alexandra Walk, Clane 15 Alexandra Walk, Abbeylands, Clane, kildare

    A 6.6 M2 ground floor extension to the front elevation

    14/572 View details
  • Installation of new protected stair within existing retail space at Space 24C Kildare Village Space 24C, Kildare Village, Nurney Road,, Kildare, kildare

    Installation of new protected stair within existing retail space connecting to existing protected stair at intermediate landing level at Space 24C, Kildare Village, Nurney Road, Kildare, Co. Kildare.

    Application No.:
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  • Extension- Sallins -Delaney 127 Sallins Bridge, Sallins, kildare

    the development consistsof (A) Two storey extension to front (north) elevation & side (west) elevation over existing single storey area and alterations to front porch. (B) Two storey extension and single storey extension to rear (south) elevation. (C) internal alterations and all associated site works

    14/28 View details
  • Dwelling House_Delaney Gilltown, Donadea, kildare

    new detached storey and a half type dwelling, detached single storey domestic garage to rear, Septech 2000 waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works, using existing shared entrance onto public road from private access road serving original farmhouse and farmyard and three similar family properties

    11/433 View details
  • Material Alteration to Shop & Dwelling at 8 Leinster St., Athy 8 Leinster Street, Athy, kildare

    Material alterations to existing shop and dwelling over to provide separate means of access and escape and other minor alterations including new shopfront at 8 Leinster St., Athy, Co. Kildare

    14300005 View details
  • New Dwelling at Simmonstown Simmonstown Park, Hazelhatch Road, Celbridge, kildare

    Construction of a two storey detached 5 Bed House on a vacant site between houses No.7 and No. 8. The application site is a redundant road reservation which is no longer required to access adjacent lands at Simmonstown Park, Hazelhatch Road, Celbridge, Co. Kildare.

    13/1054 View details
  • Mc Ternan Rita & John Ballysax Great, The Curragh, kildare

    Two single storey extensions to north and south sides of existing dwelling (44.5msq total).

    14/302 View details



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