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5696 results

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  • Thomas Cummins Donaghers Lane, Prosperous, kildare

    Construct two storey house, detached garage & connect to main sewer

    11/67 View details
  • Proposed extension at no 12 Carragh View, Carragh, Co.Kildare 12 Caragh View, Caragh, kildare

    The demolition of an existing single storey sunroom and the erection of a single storey flat roof extension to the rear and side of existing two storey dwelling.

    14/13 View details
  • 50 Houses at Chelmsford Newtown Road, Celbridge, kildare

    Construction of 50 dwellings, 3 and 4 bedroomed 2 storey detached , semi detached and terraced units in a phased development, the formation of a new road entrance and all associated site works.

    12/628 View details
  • Philip & Celine O'Rourke 3 Maple View, Oldtown Demesne, Naas, kildare

    Construction of a single storey domestic garage to the side of the existing two storey dwelling, minor internal and external alterations to the existing dwelling

    13/500073 View details
  • W & E Farrell 1 Millford, Athgarvan, Newbridge, kildare

    Dormer Windows

    14/148 View details
  • Grainne Nolan Tipperkevin Commons, Ballymore Eustace, kildare

    Construction of Bungalow

    12/766 View details
  • Crinnstown Nursing Home, Crinnstown, Maynooth, kildare, None

    Development of a single storey Nursing Home, at Crinnstown,Maynooth,Co Kildare

    09-1197 View details
  • Davinder Marjara 130 Walled Gardens, Celbridge, kildare

    Two storey pitched roof extension - side of house

    13/383 View details
  • New Extension- Connaughton No.25 College Green, Maynooth, kildare

    Two storey residential extension to side of existing two storey semi-detached dwellinghouse and all associated site development works

    08/1706 View details
  • Restoration Works- Tutty Dunmurraghill, Donadea, kildare

    for development which consists of: (A) Restoration works to existing two storey derelict house and court yard, with (B) Two storey extension to Rear (west) Elevation and Side (north) Elevation (C) Single storey extension to Side (south) Elevation (D) The installation of Septech 2000 wastewater treatment system and percolation area and (E) Upgrading of recessed entrance all associated site development works.

    101228 View details



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