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5696 results

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  • Extension to House No. 1 Preston Close, Kilmeague , Naas, kildare, 0

    The development consists of (A) Single storey extension to the rear(north east)elevation and (B) Alterations to existing side (south east) elevation consisting of erection of bay window

    14/8 View details
  • Cleary - Extension 5 Oldtown Court, Naas, kildare

    Extension to existing dwelling at 5 Oldtown Court, Naas, Co kildare

    13/500078 View details
  • Willoughbys Hardware Main Street, Monasterevin, kildare

    An amendment to the previously approved planning permission reg ref 13/481 for the omission from that permission of the 431m² change of use from office and retail stores to retail.

    13/884 View details
  • Installation of mezzanine floor and mezzanine accommodation Space 44, Kildare Village, Nurney Road, Kildare, kildare

    Installation of mezzanine floor and mezzanine accommodation at Space 44, Kildare Village, Nurney Road, Kildare, Co. Kildare.

    Application No.:
    View details
  • Ballyshannon N.S. Assembly room and resource room extensions Ballyshannon, Kilcullen, kildare

    New assembly room and resource room extensions at Ballyshannon National School.

    PL 09.242889 View details
  • PME Donnelly - 20 Dwellings Crotanstown Grange, Green Road,, Newbridge, kildare

    The development will consist of the erection of 20no. Two storey, three bedroom dwellings (type Y) and associated drainage and site works in lieu of 13no. ( type G) four bedroom dwellings which were previously granted under planning no. 12/295 extension of duration of permission of 07/124, which in turn was permission to complete and retain changes to planning no.s 06/139 and 04/867.

    13/844 View details



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