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The information requested and supplied was compiled by this office for the purposes of fulfilling the statutory obligation to maintain a publicly available register of building control activity.
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Dwelling A Knockvicar, Purcellsinch, Kilkenny L2631, , Kilkenny, Kilkenny,Description:
DWELLING A of: for demolition of my existing dwelling at Knockvicar, Purcellsinch, Co. Kilkenny, R95 DR0X and the construction of two new split level dwellings, new site entrances, plus all associated site works AT Knockvicar, Purcellsinch, Kilkenny
Single Storey extension at Tubrid, Mooncoin, County kilkenny TUBRID, , MOONCOIN, Kilkenny, X91 HF67Description:
Modifications to existing single storey dwellinghouse, Construct single storey extension and all associated works.
New House at Ballyshane Ballyshane, , Killeen Upper, Kilkenny,Description:
Demolish existing derelict dwelling house and construction of a dwelling house and all associated site works
New House at Calluan Cullaun, , Ballygub, Kilkenny,Description:
Construction of a dwelling house and associated site works
New House at Maxtown Maxtown, , Callan, Kilkenny,Description:
To construct single storey, five-bedroom dwelling house at Maxtown, Callan, Co. Kilkenny
to construct a dormer dwelling,1 waste water system, connection to mains water, soakpits and all associated site works
1 the square, foxmeadow, tullaroan road, kilkenny, co. kilkenny loughmacask, tullaroan road, Kilkenny, , Kilkenny, Kilkenny,Description:
Construction of 1 no. new dwellinghouse and associated site works, no. 1 the square, foxmeadow, tullaroan road, kilkenny, co. kilkenny.
17-204-043 Gowran WSS R448, , Rathvaun, Kilkenny, NONEDescription:
Construction of a new 1,500m3/day (cubic metres per day) Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and all associated site works including site drainage, site access road, hardstanding areas, car parking, footpaths, lighting, landscaping and palisade security fencing at a site north of Gowran village on the western side of the R448. The new WTP will include a new Water Treatment Plant Building (consisting of an Office and Control Room, Changing Room, External Storage Room, Treated Water Pumping Room and Chemical Dosing Facilities), Underground Holding Tank for the storage of waste flows and two new Treated Water Storage Tanks (TWSTs), each with a water holding capacity of 660m3.
No. 1 Talbot's Inch Talbotsinch, , Kilkenny, Kilkenny, R95 HR0CDescription:
The renovation and extension of No.1 Talbot’s Inch Village, Kilkenny, a Protected Structure (Ref: C217), to include the demolition of an existing outbuilding to construct a single storey, pitched roof extension to the rear of the house incorporating an existing coal shed, a glazed entrance porch to the rear facade, replacement of first floor windows and alterations to an existing garage, and to include all site and ancillary works. The building is located within the Talbot’s Inch Architectural Conservation Area.
Tom Murphy Fiddaun, , Inistioge, Kilkenny, NADescription:
Erect a single story new build dwelling house with treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works
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- Dún-Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Apply Dún-Laoghaire Rathdown County Council filter
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- Galway County Council Apply Galway County Council filter
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