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Extension to Dwelling at Cloonboley Taughmaconnell Cloonboley, , Clonbuila, Roscommon, N37 V8C7Description:
construct a Construct a single storey split level extension to existing dwelling and new waste water treatment system & percolation area, revisions to the existing house and all associated site works and drainage at Cloonboley Townland, Taughmaconnell, Co Roscommon.
construct of a storey and a half dwelling house at Garrynagawna, Athlone, Co. Roscommon Garrynagawna, , Athlone, Roscommon,Description:
construct of a storey and a half dwelling house and Suitable Onsite Sewerage System With Polishing Filter And All Ancillary Site Works at Garrynagawna, Athlone, Co. Roscommon
Construction Of A Domestic Garage at Garrynagowna Athlone Garrynagawna, , Athlone, Roscommon,Description:
Construction Of A Domestic Garage
Construction of Extension to Dwelling House at Scrabbagh, Kilmore Roscommon, N41 H527Description:
Construction of a single storey Extension to existing Dwelling House at Scrabbagh, Kilmore,Ck-on-Shannon Co. Roscommon
Construction of extension to rear of Dwelling at Barrymore Roscommon Road Athlone Co Roscommon Roscommon Road, , Athlone, Roscommon, N37 WE52Description:
Erection of a single storey extension (Sunroom) & associated alterations to rear of existing dwelling & at Barrymore, Roscommon Road, Athlone, Co. Roscommon
50 Bed Community Nursing Unit incl. new single storey kitchen at Golf Links Road Roscommon Sacred Heart Home, Golf Links Road, , Roscommon, Roscommon, F42 W866Description:
Construction of a new two storey 50 bed Community Nursing Unit, of a new single storey kitchen to the east of the existing “link” corridor and of a new single storey building linking the new residential accommodation to the existing corridor, all totalling 3994.3m2 of new floor area, along with refurbishment of parts of the existing single storey structures to provide external insulation and new fenestration, provision of 2 No. screened plant enclosures at first floor level and associated site works.
Sacred Heart Parochial House Roscommon St. Ciarans Street, , Roscommon, Roscommon, F42 A780Description:
Development consists of refurbishment works to the Sacred Heart Parochial House, a Protected Structure (RPS 03900512), construction of a two-storey extension to the north-west of the building containing a lift, stairs, and entrance, carrying out of internal material alterations required to provide a self-contained apartment at first floor level and to carry out all necessary ancillary works
Refurbish & construct new single storey extension to existing house Frenchpark, Roscommon, F45 Y338Description:
Refurbish & construct new single storey extension to existing house @Bella Frenchpark Co Roscommon F45Y338
Arm Td, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon - Garage Arm, , Ard Cashel, Roscommon,Description:
Construction of a proposed single storey domestic garage.
Arm Td, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon Arm td, , Castlerea, Roscommon, F45 NV90Description:
Construction of proposed extensions and renovation works to existing two-storey dwellinghouse, (2) Alterations to the existing dwelling, with subsequent changes to all elevations together with connection to public services and all associated site works at Arm, Castlerea, Co Roscommon.
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- Carlow County Council Apply Carlow County Council filter
- Cavan County Council Apply Cavan County Council filter
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- Cork County Council Apply Cork County Council filter
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- Dún-Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Apply Dún-Laoghaire Rathdown County Council filter
- Fingal County Council Apply Fingal County Council filter
- Galway City Council Apply Galway City Council filter
- Galway County Council Apply Galway County Council filter
- Kerry County Council Apply Kerry County Council filter
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- Kilkenny County Council Apply Kilkenny County Council filter
- Laois County Council Apply Laois County Council filter
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- Mayo County Council Apply Mayo County Council filter
- Meath County Council Apply Meath County Council filter
- Monaghan County Council Apply Monaghan County Council filter
- Offaly County Council Apply Offaly County Council filter
- (-) Remove Roscommon County Council filter Roscommon County Council
- Sligo County Council Apply Sligo County Council filter
- South Dublin County Council Apply South Dublin County Council filter
- Tipperary County Council Apply Tipperary County Council filter
- Waterford City and County Council Apply Waterford City and County Council filter
- Westmeath County Council Apply Westmeath County Council filter
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- Wicklow County Council Apply Wicklow County Council filter