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1825 results

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  • 62 no. units Social Housing Development at Robbers Lane, Maugheraboy Co. Sligo Robbers Lane, , Maugheraboy, Sligo,

    62 no. units Social Housing Development at Robbers Lane, Maugheraboy Co. Sligo consisting of 48 no. apartment units, 12 no. duplex apartment units and 2 no. three storey house dwellings contained within 7 no. blocks: A1, A2 (both 3 storey buildings), B1 (3 storey building), B2 (2 storey building), B3 (3 storey building) and C1, C2 (both 3 storey buildings).

    Application No.:
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  • Northshore Pods Cloontyprocklis, , Grange, Sligo,

    Construction of 8 No. cabins & associated site works.

    2360187 View details
  • Cloverhill Extension Cloverhill, , Carrowmore, Sligo, F91 H5N3

    development consisting of the construction of an extension to an existing dwelling house providing accommodation for a dependant relative and the decommissioning and removal of existing wastewater treatment system and installation of a new onsite wastewater treatment system (in accordance with specialist report) and all ancillary works

    P23/45 View details
  • construction of a new dwelling at Drumiskabole Carraroe Co. Sligo. Drumiskabole, , Carraroe, Sligo, F91 TD52

    construction of a new dwelling at Drumiskabole Carraroe Co. Sligo.

    23/60237 View details
  • North West Hospice, Sligo The Mall, , Sligo, Sligo, F91 K226

    Construction of a new part single storey/part 2 storey 12 bed extension hospice facility extension, and material alterations within existing hospice building at North-West Hospice, the Mall, Sligo.

    PL20/46 View details
  • Block G, Atlantic Technological University Sligo 10 Ash Lane, , Sligo, Sligo, F91 N82H

    Development consisting of (i) 336m2 of roof mounted photovoltaic panels, (ii) the erection of a roof mounted heat pump and (iii) the installation of a revolving door and accessible entrance door at the front entrance, together with all associated site works and services at Block G, ATU Sligo, Ash Lane, Sligo.

    PL 23/60033 View details
  • Block P, Atlantic Technological University Sligo Ash Lane, , Sligo, Sligo, F91 YW50

    Development consisting of (i) 400m2 of roof mounted Photovoltaic Panels, (ii) a new 2 tonne LPG storage tank and (iii) a new heat pump, together with all associated site works and services at Block P, ATU Sligo, Ash Lane, Sligo.

    PL 23/60032 View details
  • Housing Development at Stoneparks, Ballymote, Co. Sligo Teeling Street, , Ballymote, Sligo,

    The demolition of a 2 no. existing single storey semi-detached dwellings (F56 VK49 & F56 CH58) to allow for (2) the construction of 10 no. single-storey semi-detached two-bedroom dwellings, together with the construction of a new vehicular junction onto the local road, a pedestrian walkway onto the same local road, on-site storm water attenuation, connection to the public existing sewer systems, works to the site boundaries and all associated site development works including lighting and hard and soft landscaping

    2360225 View details
  • Cuiltylough extension Cuiltylough, , Riverstown, Sligo, F52 D363

    Extension to existing dwelling house

    2360258 View details
  • Cloonkeen house Cliffoney, Sligo, F91 FWK3

    development consisting of permission for demolition of existing stone outbuildings, to renovate and extend an existing single storey dwelling, tertiary treatment system and infiltration/treatment area and all ancillary site works and retention for a single storey detached temporary structure for the use of temporary living accommodation for the duration of the above-mentioned developments construction works

    22383 View details



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