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Argento Market Street, Sligo, sligoDescription:
Refurbishment and merger of ground floor retail units at no.33 and no.34 Market Street and construction of new single storey extension to the rear.
John Carty Castledargan, Ballygawley, sligoDescription:
Construction of single storey dwelling house OPT OUT
Domestic Extension Corwillick, Calry, Co. Sligo (PPN 14/141) Corwillick, Calry, sligoDescription:
Domestic extension to detached dwelling to include new on site treatment system and heating system located at Corwillick, Calry, Co. Sligo (PPN 14/141)
Extension at 2 Colmcille Drive, Rosses Point. 2 Colmcille Drive, Rosses Point, sligoDescription:
Retention of Partly constructed utility room/store room extension of 7.3 sq.m attached to the north side of dwelling, completion of remaining items to this extension and all ancillary works.
IT Sligo - Auditorium & Upgrades Block B, IT Sligo, , Ashlane, Ballinode, Sligo Town, sligoDescription:
Proposed internal refurbishment of the former Foundation Laboratory to comprise a 280 seat auditorium. Upgrade existing internal courtyard facades within Block B. Construct 2 no. steel staircases within the courtyard to enhance means of escape. Enlarge existing plant overruns on the Block B roof. Erect new rooftop plant associated with the new auditorium.
McGowans Filling Station & Retail Shop Ballina Road, Muckduff, Enniscrone, sligoDescription:
Construction of Retail units,Office,Coffee Dock, Restaurant area ,Vehicle Filling Station,Car Wash, Car Parking Area,
"opt out" Owens house at Attichree Attichree, Enniscrone, sligoDescription:
"Opt out", Proposed new dwellinghouse at Attichree, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo for Helen and Robert Owen.
Alterations & Extension to existing Church of the Sacred Heart Riverstown, Co Sligo Riverstown, Riverstown, sligoDescription:
Demolish two sections of the existing east boundary wall in order to upgrade and widen the existing vehicle entrance and create new ceremonial exit route, including removal of existing pier and reconstruction of pier to 1.45metres high. •Reduce masonry pier on boundary wall between Ard Keeran National School (Scoil Mathona Naofa) and The Church of the Sacred Heart from 2.4metres to 1.45metres high. •Demolish existing toilet block adjacent to North Porch. •Remove trees necessary for the facilitation of the proposed works. •Remove existing ramp to North Porch. •Remove existing steps to south and east porch. •Provide a new ceremonial entrance with a set down area, the provision of new entrance steps and disabled access ramp to East Porch. •Construct extension to North Porch to provide one disabled access WC and one ambulant disabled WC. •Provide new entrance steps and disabled access ramp to South Porch. •Upgrade and increase the car parking area to accommodate 50 car parking spaces. •Improvements and upgrading of existing landscaping and new tree planting. •Improvements and upgrading of existing front boundary gates and basement balustrades on the north elevation. •Alternations to existing footpath and extend existing footpath at roadside boundary to church. •Installation of bollards on pavement to main road and at the front of church. •All ancillary site works at this location
Anthony Drury Corhober, Ballymote, sligoDescription:
Construction of dwelling house, Septic tank and Percolation area OPT OUT
Rear Extension to House at Dunneil, Dromore West, Co. Sligo Dunneill, Dromore West, sligoDescription:
OptOut Demolish rear extension & construct new rear extension with minor elevation & layout changes to existing house