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Gerard Kenny Skreenmore, Skreen, sligoDescription:
Construction of a two storey dwelling house, attached garage, effluent treatment system and percolation area.
Extension to dwelling 11 St Brigids Place, Vernon Street, Sligo, sligoDescription:
Two storey extension to side and rear of existing dwellinghouse at 11 St Brigids Place, Vernon Street, Sligo
Iinstallation of a waste water treatment sytem at Carrwowkeel, Carbury, Co.Sligo Carrowkeel, Carbury, Sligo, sligoDescription:
installation of waste water treatment unit and Soil polishing filter
Change of use of cottage to commercial unit , at Larass, Strandhill Road Sligo Larass, Strandhill, sligoDescription:
Change of use of cottage to commercial unit , at Larass, Strandhill Road Sligo
One Off Dwelling Sessuegilroy, Cloonacool, Co. Sligo Sessuegilroy, Cloonacool, sligoDescription:
(a) Demolish existing derelict dwelling house & adjoining shed; (b) construct a proposed new dwelling house, septic tank system and percolation area, complete with all associated site works & services at Sessuegilroy, Cloonacool, Co. Sligo
Domestic extension 17 Ocean Links, Carrowbunnaun, Strandhill, sligoDescription:
Construction of side / rear extension to existing dwelling, minor alteration works to western gable and carrying out all necessary site development works.
Riverside Hotel Riverside, Sligo, sligoDescription:
change of use of the Riverside Hotel building from an Aparthotel back to a hotel (parent application PD 06/70154 refers). This will require the change of use of the building from apartment hotel usage to hotel bedrooms (this aspect of the works relates to the 1st floor and 2nd floor of the building). The existing apart/bedroom numbers is 31 bedroom units and it is now proposed to convert 18 of the existing aparthotel rooms to create a total of 54 twin hotel bedroom spaces; to convert the ground floor commercial units into a function room, bar, toilets, storage and extended hotel foyer; to create a covered smoking shelter fronting onto the existing car park and a pedestrian access in the car park; alterations to elevations as a consequence of the above mentioned works and all associated ancillary works and also permission for retentionof solar panels located on the roof of the building
Francis & Patricia Willis Lissycoyne, Riverstown, sligoDescription:
Construction of dwelling house, septic tank and percolation area and domestic garage
Residential Development of 1 House at Magheraboy Ard na Veigh Road, Magheraboy, sligoDescription:
Construction of a Dormer style dwelling house and all associated site works at Magheraboy Td.
Retention of alterations & installation of new on site waste water system Tullynure, Geevagh, sligoDescription:
Retention of alterations & installation of new on site waste water system