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Extension to house Faughts, Calry, Sligo, sligoDescription:
Construction of extension to house granted under planning ref 14/64
Proposed classroom and resource room at Mary Immaculate Girl National School, Collooney collooney, collooney, sligoDescription:
Proposed classroom and resource room at Mary Immaculate Girl National School, Collooney
Richard Morrissey Rathmeel, Easkey, sligoDescription:
Dwelling House with septic tank with pump, puraflow system, percolation zone ans associated site works
Coola Post Primary School Extension Cloonskirt, Coola, sligoDescription:
Removal of existing prefabricated building and construction of a single storey school extension approximately 563m2 together with associated site works and services at Coola Post Primary School
Dwelling house at scarden Scarden Beg, Sligo, sligoDescription:
Construct new 2 storey dwellinghouse with onsite wastewater treatment system
Change of use and signage at the proposed SPSV Centre Unit 7 Rathedmond Road, Rathedmond, sligoDescription:
the development consists of a proposed change of use of the existing warehouse for use as a Small Public Service Vehicle Inspection Centre, together with internal alterations and Associated Signage on the building façade. All at Unit 7 Rathedmond Road, Rathedmond, Sligo.
new dwelling for Gabriel McSharry & Kimberley Igoe Clogherbeg, Calry , Co.Sligo, Sligo, sligoDescription:
new dwelling house and Change of house design to that granted under PL09/342 at Clogherbeg ,Calry ,co.sligo including Relocation of foul water treatment system to revised location , Retention of Garage as constructed in revised location and Planning permission for placing mobile home on site for the construction phase of the dwelling
Dwelling house Finned, Carney, sligoDescription:
1. Permission to demolish existing cottage on site. 2. Permission for retention and completion of (a) partially constructed structure to be used as a single storey granny flat Permission to install Proprietary Effluent Treatment System with polishing filter, connection to public services and all associated site works at the above address
Extension to St Josephs Boys National School collooney, collooney, sligoDescription:
Extension to St Josephs Boys National School