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Willowbrooke Change of Use Willowbrook Shopping Centre, Charlestown, sligo, F12 P766Description:
Development consists of a change of use from commercial to residential use containing 2 apartments at ground floor level. Development is exempted development under articles 10(6) of the PDR 2001.
Application No.: -
Farmhill Manor 3 Units (Jan 24) Farmhill Road, Sligo, sligoDescription:
Development consisting of the construction of 3 new dwelling units, comprising of; 2 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached houses and 1 no. 4 bedroom detached house, together with connection to existing public sewer system, works to site boundaries, and all other associated site works and services constructed in conjunction with previously approved planning application PL19/49
Residential Development Of 29 No Domestic Dwellings At Ballynacarrow, Co Sligo 15 Owenmore Paddock, Ballynacarrow, sligoDescription:
To construct a total of 29 no. domestic dwellings, consisting of 8 no. 2-bed 2-storey terraced, 12 no. 3-bed 2-storey semi detached, 8 no. 4-bed semi detached 2-storey type with living accommodation in the roof space and 1 no. 4-bed detached 2-storey type with living accommodation in the roof space. To construct a new site entrance. To construct connections to all public services and all ancillary site works.
Greenville Dwelling Greenville, Coolaney, sligoDescription:
(1) the construction of a new dwelling house (2) the installation of a new mechanical aeration system and polishing filter, (3) the formation of a new entrance, all associated site works and services
Rath Ghlas Trotts, , Enniscrone, Sligo,Description:
Construction of 4No. dwelling houses(Phase 1 - No's 4,5,6 & 7), new site entrance, connection to public utilities together with ancillary site development works.
New Detached Garage, Top Road, Strandhill, Co Sligo Top Road, Strandhill, sligoDescription:
Construction of New Detached Garage
Screwfix - Sligo Sligo Screwfix, Sligo, sligo, F91 YK84Description:
Fit out of Unit 12, Screwfix, Sligo Retail Park, Sligo, Co. Sligo, F91 YK84.
Material alterations to retail shop station road, ballisodare, sligo, F91 PE04Description:
Material alterations to the interior of retail shop at Supervalu Ballisodare
Application No.: -
Construction of 12 Houses (No's 27-38) Silver Cove, Knappaghmore, Sligo 22 Silver Cove, , Sligeach, Sligo,Description:
Construction of 12 Houses (No's 27-38) Silver Cove, Knappaghmore, Sligo
2225 LGD: Phase 1A Warehousing Hazelwood Avenue, , Sligo, Sligo, F91 Y820Description:
The project consists of the conversion, renovation & upgrade of an existing industrial building to a maturation facility including 2x new M&E lean-to extensions to same and all ancillary site works on the southern end of the site