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IDA Advanced Technology Unit, Oakfield IDA Business and Technology Park, Oakfield Cottages, sligoDescription:
An Advance Technology Unit (ATU) at the new IDA Oakfield Business and Technology (B&T) Park, Sligo consisting of office and light industrial / production space, for provision of a new site entrance, signage, new timber post-and-rail site boundaries, car parking, standalone ESB substation / switch room, cycle shelter, landscaping, gas skid, underground water storage tanks and all associated site works.
Mountain View Mountain View, Upper Rosses, Rosses Point, sligo, F91 DP40Description:
Development consisting of the demolition of an existing single storey dwelling house and the construction of a new replacement two storey dwelling house together with all associated site development works at Rosses Upper Townland, Rosses Point, Co. Sligo.
Material Alterations to Upper Ground Floor and Lower Ground Floor, Sligo City Hotel Quay Street, Sligo, sligo, F91 V08NDescription:
Material Alterations to Upper Ground Floor and Lower Ground Floor (Basement) of the Sligo City Hotel including change of function rooms to wellness suite.
Application No.: -
Cartronofarry West, Aughris, Co. Sligo Cartronofarry West, Aughris, sligoDescription:
Construction of single storey dwelling house
Caffè Nero Sligo Smith’s Row / Wine Street Car Park, Sligo, sligo, F91 PX93Description:
Fitting out of Caffè Nero coffee shop at Wine Street, Sligo
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Extension To Existing Domestic Dwelling At 2 Goal Road, Co Sligo 2 Gaol Road, Sligo, sligo, F91 RY28Description:
Renovation, Restoration And Extension Of Existing Domestic Dwelling.
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Unit 56 block 08 Ballisodare Town Centre 7 Youngs Road, , Ballisodare, Sligo, F91 E3Y1Description:
change of use of 1 no. retail unit to 1 no. one-bed apartment (Unit 56 - Block 8) at Ballisodare Town Centre, Ballisodare, Co Sligo
Extension to dwelling at Cartronplank, Cliffoney, Co. Sligo Cartronplank, Cliffoney, sligo, F91 RW59Description:
(1) construction of extension to south east elevation, (2) alterations to north east, north west and south west elevations, (3) upgrade of existing septic tank to new proprietary effluent treatment system and percolation area all to existing dwelling
2021-031 - Extension to Ward Automation FINISKLIN, Sligo, sligo, F91 W1HEDescription:
Development consisting of the following: 1. Removal of existing small store and construction of a new three-bay extension to the rear of our existing factory for Assembly Area/Storage use (floor area - 487.7m2), 2. Connection to existing foul, storm and watermain services, 3. Provision of additional carparking, landscaping and all associated site works
Bunnafedia Cottage Bunnafedia, Drumard, sligo, F91 WT78Description:
Renovation and extension to existing dwelling, new on-site wastewater treatment system together with ancillary site development works