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Warehouse, Carrowgobbadagh TD.- BA 797 Carraroe, Drumiskabole West, sligoDescription:
Construction of new warehouse unit in Carrowgobbadagh TD.
Restaurant / Cafe and Place of Worship at 6-7 Grattan Street, Sligo 6-7 Grattan Street, Sligo, sligo, F91 RW53Description:
Change of use of ground floor from Bank use to Restaurant/Cafe including fascia signage. Change of use of the first floor from office use to place of worship incorporating a fire escape stairs and including all ancillary site development works at 6-7 Grattan Street, Sligo - Zeebah’s Foods Ltd.
Multi storey car park at Sligo Univeristy Hospital - Phase 2 The Mall, Sligo, sligoDescription:
The multi-storey car park comprises 164 parking spaces, direct access from the existing circulation road within the hospital grounds, associated landscaping, site works and services.
Dwelling Extension & Refurb Pearse Rd, Sligo, F91K5FV Pearse Road, Sligo, sligo, F91 K5FVDescription:
Side and rear extension, alterations to existing elevations and internal reconfiguration works. All associated site works.
15 Warren Crescent, Kevinsfort, Sligo, F91 XR2R Sligo, sligo, F91 XR2RDescription:
Alterations and Extension to dwelling at 15 Warren Crescent, Kevinsfort, Sligo F91 XR2R
2020-029 Scoil Naomh Molaise Grange, sligo, F91 W326Description:
Development consisting of the following (1) provision of a single-storey extension to the north-east side of the existing school to include 2 no. Classrooms, 1 no. WC for assisted users, plant room and circulation space, (2) removal of existing prefab classroom accommodation and associated services (3) connection of new extension to all existing public mains services, (4) provision of landscaping all associated site works
Garage at residence N17, Ballinacarrow North, sligoDescription:
Construction of garage together with ancillary work and services at Ballinacarrow Co sligo
Septic Tank Lackagh Knocknagroagh, Lackagh, Drumfin, sligo, F52 DP46Description:
Upgraded Septic Tank and Percolation Area
Spring Garden Spring Garden, Drumard, sligoDescription:
Construction of dwelling house
Collooney house renovation to guest accommodation Main Street, Collooney, sligo, F91 EN84