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Completion of installation of Fire Management System, including Fire Control Panel, Detectors, break glass, Automatic Opening Cloanrd, , Wexford, Wexford, y35k5whDescription:
Windmill Therapeutic Training Unit Completion of installation of Fire Management System, including Fire Control Panel, Detectors, break glass, Automatic Opening Vent and certification of same by Fire Consultant, Installation of passanger Lift , Fire Proofing to underside of stairways, Replacement of apartment doors to comply with Fire Regulations, Completion of Disabled access and Parking at Building external
Wexford 110kV Substation Building Ballygoman, , Wexford, Wexford, Y35 VP70
House B Ballygarvan Gusserane O'Rahilly View, Ballygarvan, Gusserane, , Gusserane, Wexford,Description:
Contruction of fully serviced Dwelling House
House A at Ballygarvan Gusserane O'Rahilly View, Ballygarvan, Gusserane, , Gusserane, Wexford,Description:
Construction of fully serviced dwelling house
Enlargement of Ex. Boyle Sports Bookmakers at Duffry Hill, Enniscorthy Duffry Hill, , Wexford, Wexford, Y21 Y1T1Description:
Change of use of the existing commercial unit adjoining the existing Boylesports bookmakers premises into a betting office and the amalgamation of the 2 no. commercial units into 1 no. commercial unit (bookmakers), internal reorganisation and the enhancement of the existing shopfronts including external signage together with all associated site works.
Claire McNulty Moorfields, , Courthoyle, Wexford,Description:
Erection of a fully serviced dwelling house and attached carport and domestic garage
Extension & Alterations to Meat Processing Plant Ryland Lower, , Bunclody, Wexford, Y21 E1T6Description:
Extension consisting of a link corridor between boning hall and cold store along with internal alterations to existing cold store building including associated site works.
New Dwelling at Charleton Hill, New Ross 14 Charleton Hill, , New Ross, Wexford,Description:
New Dwelling at Charleton Hill, New Ross & associated site works
Dwelling & garage (Shauna Sinnott) Kilbride, , Ballyhuskard, Wexford,Description:
Permission to erect a dwelling with services and domestic garage and all associated site and ancillary works
Oisin Firman Ballyboggan Lower, Castlebridge, Co. Wexford, , Castlebridge, Wexford,Description: