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Dwelling House & Garage at Mocurry West, Kiltealy, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford (Erin Fitzhenry & Kevin McCabe) Mocurry West, , Kiltealy, Wexford,Description:
Dwelling House & Garage at Mocurry West, Kiltealy, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford (Erin Fitzhenry & Kevin McCabe)
New Outbuilding at Ard Na Greine, Camolin 10 Limerick Road Upper, , Camolin, Wexford,Description:
Construction of new metal-clad outbuilding (66 square metres) located adjacent to west (rear) boundary, together with associated site works and parking area
New Ross Educate Together National School Barrett's Park, , New Ross, Wexford,Description:
a) increasing the size of the existing site, b) removal of an existing single storey shed, c) the installation of 4 no. new prefabricated temporary structures (2 x 80m2 units for use as classrooms and 2 x 15m2 units for use as SET rooms) and d) all associated works
Permission to erect a dwelling with services and domestic garage Crane, , Ferns, Wexford,Description:
Permission to erect a dwelling with services and domestic garage
Dressing Room Extension Ballyhogue GAA Club Ballyhogue GAA Club, Knocknagross, , Bree, Wexford, Y21V8W2Description:
Permission is sought for the construction of a single story extension containing 2 additional dressing rooms to side of existing changing room facilities. Internal modifications of existing changing rooms and toilets, alterations to proposed site boundary to accommodate proposed extension, at Ballyhogue GAA club, Knocknagross, Bree, Co. Wexford along with all associated site works.
Dwelling & garage Courteencurragh, , Courtown, Gorey, Wexford,Description:
Completion of dwelling and domestic garage construction
Kathleen Murphy Medophall, , Ballymore Demesne, Wexford,Description:
Proposed single storey dwelling
17-204-002 Enniscorthy WSS Clonhaston, , Enniscorthy, Wexford,Description:
Construction and operation of a new raw water abstraction from the River Slaney. A high lift pumping station with associated surge vessel and emergency generation, and ESB substation, decommissioning and demolition of the existing intake, pumping station and generator building.
Construction of a dwelling and associated works Monageer Co Wexford Monageer, , Monageer, Wexford,Description:
Construction of a dwelling and associates works at Monageer Co Wexford
20a & 20b Francis Street, Townparks, Co. Wexford Francis Street, , Wexford, Wexford, Y35 E2R2Description:
Proposed demolition of derelict two storey structure and subsequent construction of 2 nr, 1 bedroom studio duplex housing units.