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Ballyrannel House Ballyrannel,, , Glenbrien, Enniscorthy,, Wexford,Description:
Proposed two story dwelling house and associated site development works.
Construction of a dwelling and associated works at Glenoge Coolgreany Co Wexford Glenoge, , Ballyfad, Wexford,Description:
Construction of a new dwelling and associated works
Newtown (ED Killann), Killann Newtown (ED Killann), Killann, , Old Town, Wexford,Description:
Construction of a fully serviced two storey residential dwelling and attached car port over a part basement level with a domestic garage and all other associated site works
Alterations to Accommodate Gorey Hill School Gorey Hill, , Gorey, Wexford, Y25 VP62Description:
Sub-division of an existing school building to accommodate the current occupant "Gaelscoil Mhoshíológ" and the new occupant, start-up SEN school "Gorey Hill School". Material alterations to the new occupant section of the building, to accommodate six no. SEN classrooms (including UAWC's & Quiet Spaces), staff and administration rooms, multisensory rooms, and a central activities / living skills room.
Application No.: -
Cathy Brennan Modifications & Extension Inch Castle Ellis, , Nigel Redmond c/o Nigel Redmond Planning & Design, 1 High Street, Wexford, Wexford, Y21 HE61Description:
Modifications & Extension to Dwelling House & upgrade of foul disposal system
Arklow Road Bungalow 1 Arklow Road, , Gorey, Wexford,Description:
Construction of a Domestic Dwelling
Dormer Bungalow Extension and Refurbishment - Slade Slade, , Fethard - on - sea, Wexford, Y34 HX31Description:
Construction of single storey kitchen living room extension to rear of property. Refurbishment of the existing dormer bungalow
Single storey extension to existing dwelling house at Cornwall. Cornwall, , Killurin, Wexford, Y21 PD63Description:
Erection of single storey extension to existing two storey dwelling house.
Dwelling & garage Clonmore, , Balloughter, Wexford,Description:
Permission to erect a dwelling with services and domestic garage and all associated site and ancillary works
Hale House Extensions and Alterations Duncormick, Wexford, Y35 K7P2Description:
Extension and alterations to existing 2 storey house