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Serviced dwelling house etc at Ballyboggan Lower. Ballyboggan Lower, Artramon, Castlebridge, wexfordDescription:
To erect a serviced dwelling house and domestic garage and temporary provision of a mobile home on site.
Kennedy John, Shed at Ballynahallin Enniscorthy Ballynahallin, Enniscorthy, wexfordDescription:
Erect a steel framed shed for the purpose of servicing and mechanical repairs to cars.
New Extension Bryanstown, Inch, Foulksmills, wexfordDescription:
Demolition of existing two storey flat roofed element of existing dwelling and part of adjacent lean-to porch and for construction of a pitched roof replacement extension and including all alterations to existing dwelling. Planning permission for retention also sought for part of existing front porch and for rooflights in existing pitched roofs
ASD Unit and Associated Site Works Ballycanew, Gorey, wexfordDescription:
Construction of an ASD unit, incorporating 3no. classrooms,central activities space,associated ancillary rooms and link to existing school, all together with associated site works.
Extension to dwelling at Ballysimon, Monagear ballysimon, monagear, wexfordDescription:
erect an extension to existing dwelling house for use as a granny flat, change of use of part of the existing garage to living accommodation for use in proposed granny flat and upgrade of existing sewage facilities along with all associated site works
Photovoltaic array Winkens Drinagh Whitestown, Drinagh, , Wexford, wexfordDescription:
Installation of Photovoltaic array, 12 panels in number, 19.8sqm module area, system rating 3kwp, on top of south facing roof, with grid connection on back of dormer Bungalow .
Family leisure and amusement centre Harbour View Hotel, , Ballygillane little, St Helens,, Rosslare harbour, wexfordDescription:
Change of use from existing licensed premises with retail and off license use to family leisure and amusement centre and all associated site works, existing services to be retained.
Eamonn Doyle + Kathryn O' Hanlon Millquarter, Old Ross, wexfordDescription:
Construction of a fully serviced dwelling, domestic garage, installation of a septic tank and all associated site works.
Erection of extensions to existing dwelling house - 2 bedroom Granny flat, porch, rear extension Mocurry East,, Kiltealy, Enniscorthy, wexfordDescription:
Erection of extensions to the existing dwelling house on site consisting of (A)A 2 bedroom granny flat extension to the side of the existing dwelling house (B)A porch extension to the front of the existing dwelling house and (C)An extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house together with all associated site works and ancillary services on site.
Curracloe Coast Guard Coolrainey, Ardcolm, Curracloe, wexfordDescription:
Provision of Prefabriated Building consisting of Meeting Room and Toilet, Waste Water Treatment system with connection to the adjoining sewerage treatment system.