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  • 2 no semi-detached houses at Crossfarnoge, Kilmore Quay, Wexford. Crossfarnoge, Kilmore Quay,, wexford

    construction of 2 no semi-detached houses and removal of temporary sheds, all ancillary works and services.

    20091021 View details
  • An Breacadh Nua Housing Association Coolcotts, Wexford, wexford

    Erection of 2 No. seven bedroom group dwellings with associated site works

    Application No.:
    View details
  • construction of a dwelling house and detached domestic garage for Ciara Murphy (Ballina) Ballina , Curracloe, wexford

    Construction of a dwelling house (area: 391.6 m2) and detached single storey domestic garage (area: 84.12 m2).

    20140024 View details
  • change of use and extension at Marlfield House Hotel at this site measuring c. 0.0763 hectares located in the curtilage of the estate of Marlfield House, Raheenagurren West, Coutown Road, Gorey, wexford

    a development comprising of the change of use, alterations and extension of the existing outbuildings forming the southerly side of the existing courtyard; located in the curtilage of the estate known as Marlfield House, a protected structure; to develop a shop, cafe bar and restaurant facility totalling 241.8m2 ; and all associated landscaping and terrace areas. The floor are of the existing outbuildings to be converted is 152.3 sqm and the floor area of proposed new extensions total 89.5 sqm. The provision of the development will comprise of the following works ; (a) Internal alterations and conversion of the existing outbuildings including the provision of new openings connecting elements of the existing building structure and proposed new extensions to form a new cafe bar and restaurant with associated ancillary accommodation. (b) New extension of the existing outbuildings to the garden side at the easterly corner to accommodate new kitchen facilities and associated accommodation (55.2sqm) (c) Extension of the existing outbuildings to the courtyard side (9.5sqm) including the demolition of an existing wall and the partial reuse of stonework to new proposed external link wall accommodating new toilet facilities. (d) Glazed Sunroom extension forming link between the proposed shop and cafe bar at the westerly corner of the existing structures (12.6sqm). (e) Internal alterations and conversion of the existing gound floor stable to new shop accommodation including new window openings overlooking existing garden areas. (35.3sqm) (f) Replacement and extension of the existing roof covering over the existing outbuildings including the installation of a central rooflight (conservation style). (g) Infill extension between the two main outbuilding structures forming new entrances from both courtyard and garden side (12.3sqm). (h) Forming new openings to the existing outbuildings stone wall to accommodate new glazing and terrace doors overlooking the garden area. (i) The provision of new landscaped terrace adjoining the existing building and new kitchen extension

    2014/0174 View details
  • Machinery shed Tomsallagh, Ferns, wexford

    Remove existing shed&roadside boundary wall,erect new shed &improve sight line for road users also erection of new agricultural entrance

    20140087 View details
  • Celine Byrne Dwelling Scurlogesbush, Duncormick, wexford

    Construction of a Fully Serviced Dwelling House and Domestic Garage and all associated Site Works

    20130896 View details
  • Garage Kilmannon Road, Murrintown, Bargy Commons, Newcastle, wexford

    Erection of detached single storey domestic garage and store/games room and all associated site works

    20140073 View details
  • erect 9no. two storey dwellings with connection to existing public services ramstown lower, gorey rural, gorey, wexford

    erect 7no. two storey dwellings with connection to existing public services, (commencement notice submitted February 2014 for initial 2 dwellings), 9no. In total.

    20130137 View details
  • Richard Rowe Hilltown, Killinick, wexford


    20130920 View details
  • Lynch-Rowe Disability Extension Greenacres, Ballygarrett, wexford

    Single-storey bedroom extension to existing dwelling, extension to include accessible bedroom with toilet/wetroom and ancillary works.

    20140136 View details



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