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  • HOUSE 53 EFFERNOCK AVENUE TRIM 53 Effernock Avenue, , Trim, Meath,


    TA/160093 View details
  • The Old Forge, Rathfeigh, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 A9C2,(Building 2) The Old Forge, Rathfeigh, , Navan, Meath, C15 A9C2

    Change of Use of an Existing Single-Storey Semi-Detached Dwelling into housing for Refugees (4 Beds) - Purpose Group 2(b)

    Application No.:
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  • The Old Forge, Rathfeigh, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 A9C2 The old forge, Rathfeigh, , Navan, Meath, C15 A9C2

    Change of Use of an Existing Single-Storey Semi-Detached Dwelling into Housing for Refugees (6 Beds) - Purpose Group 2(b)

    Application No.:
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  • Works @ Willow Cottage, Stackallen, Slane Willow Cottage, , Stackallen, Meath, C15 Y381

    Conversion of garage to bedroom, with new pitched roof. Amendments to window openings and widened vehicular access.

    23512 View details
  • 4 Bedroom Storey and a Half Extension The Green, , Longwood, Meath, A83 VF89

    4 Bedroom Storey and a Half Extension to rear of Existing Dwelling House

    2460412 View details
  • Moyhill house Moynalvey, , Summerhill, Meath,

    A two storey, masonry dwelling house, a detatched domestic garage, a new site entrance, a wastewater disposal system and all associated site works at Moynalvey, Summerhill

    RA/191616 View details
  • 2 The Drive 2 The Drive, Sadlier Hall,, , Dunboyne, Meath, A86 DY66

    Demolition of existing single storey rear projection, the construction of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling, the conversion of an existing shed/utility to an office, toilet and mud room, the construction of a single storey shed, all associated elevational changes, connection to all public services and all associated site works at 2 The Drive, Sadlier Hall, Dunboyne, Co Meath.

    2460420 View details
  • BNF Project Rowan, , Clonee, Meath, D15 ER27

    The development will consist of renovations and alterations to an existing dwelling, the demolition of previous extension to the side of the existing dwelling, new single story extension to the front and rear of the existing dwelling, new story and a half extension to the side of the existing dwelling, the provision of a granny/family flat within the existing dwelling, all associated elevational changes to the existing dwelling, the decommissioning of the existing septic tank and upgrade to a new wastewater disposal system in a revised location, and all associated site works

    24/60359 View details
  • Desmond McCormack Ltd, T/a McCormacks Auto Centre Eighty Eight Acres,Fairgreen, , Athboy, Meath, C15 TN92

    To construct 1. extension and renovation works to the existing test lane of the side (southwest) elevation, which will facilitate an LCV test lane (from 85.2 sqm to 263.5 sqm) (2) an extension to the front (northwest) elevatioin consisting of a new entrance porch (9sqm) (3) alterations to existing front (northwest) and side (northeast) elevation windows (4) installation of aluminium or similar cladding to the front (northwest) facade (5) alterations to the internal layout of the existing ground floor to consist of waiting area, receiption/office and WC (6) upgrade existing signage to the front (northwest) elevation (from 12.8sqm to 4.3sqm) and all associated site works

    221676 View details
  • Bective Tea Rooms Extension (North Gate Lodge) Bective Tea Rooms, North Gate Lodge, , Bective House & Demesne, Balgill, Navan, Meath, C15 DFC8

    Single storey extension and minor material alterations to Bective Tea Rooms, North Gate Lodge, Bective House & Demesne, Balgill, Navan, Co. Meath.

    24/76 View details



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