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18 Main Street Bray Mews Building 18 Main Street, , Bray, Wicklow, A98 VK70Description:
Convert existing vacant unit to rear of former electrical store to 1 apartment.
Application No.: -
2124-Avondale Park 11 Avondale Park, , Bray, Wicklow, A98 N5Y0Description:
Single storey extension to the rear of the existing house at 11 Avondale Park.
The Grove, Greystones, Co. Wicklow The Grove, , Greystones, Wicklow,Description:
Construction of 2 no. dwellings and associated works.
Neighbourhood Centre Marlton Road, , Wicklow, Wicklow,Description:
3 story Neighbourhood Centre consisting of Retail units on lower GF, Childcare and community hall on upper GF/first & 2no.3bed, 3no.1bed, and 1no.2 bed apartments on second floor.
34 The Hazels, Ballinahinch Wood ballinahinch, , ashford, Wicklow, A67 PP82Description:
conversion of existing attic space
18 Main Street Bray 18 Main Street, , Bray, Wicklow, A98 VK70Description:
Convert existing vacant electrical store to 4 apartments.
Application No.: -
Golden Hills Threecastles, , Manor Kilbride, Blessington, Wicklow, n/aDescription:
Renovation and extension of an existing single-dwelling two-storey stone farmhouse at Threecastles, Manor Kilbride, Blessington, Co. Wicklow. Works are to include a new two-storey extension on the rear return of 36sqm, A new 80sqm single-storey extension to the side of the main farmhouse, alterations to rear and side facades, demolition of adjacent sheds of 121 sqm, new waste treatment and percolation area to EPA standards, adjustments to vehicular entrance, and all ancillary site works.
Dwelling at Ballinaheese Beech Road, , Arklow, Wicklow,Description:
A new build Dwelling at Ballinaheese
0383-Ballydonagh Lodge Ballydonagh Lane, , Delgany, Wicklow,Description:
A new A-rated four-bedroom house, which will be located behind the existing house. The existing house will be demolished once the new house has been constructed. A new wastewater treatment unit and soil polishing filter will replace the existing system and all associated ancillary site and development works.
New Dwelling at Garryduff Garryduff, , Rathdrum, Wicklow,Description:
New blockwork dwelling with slate roof