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3969 results

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  • 1 Rathdown Close 1 Rathdown Close, , Greystones, Wicklow,

    New split-level part two-storey dwelling of 372sqm plus new boundaries

    2360501 View details
  • Scot's Pine, 11 Kendalstown Rise Scot's Pine, 11 Kendalstown Rise, , Greystones, Wicklow, A63 PP94

    Amendments and additions to works previously granted planning permission under planning application Reg. Ref: 24/60158. Proposed works include a small extension of the ground and first floor to the west façade and raising the roof eaves and ridge by 300mm to provide improved accommodation on the first floor. The works also encompass modifications to the roof profile at the entrance door on the north façade, the extension of the previously approved dormer on the northwest elevation, and a new chimney position. Additionally, the pergola will be extended to the east elevation, skylights will be added, and a flat roof will be constructed to the existing watershed. The project includes changes to internal layouts and corresponding modifications to some external doors and window openings. Associated landscaping and site works

    24/60396 View details
  • rathdrum Poundbrook Lane, , Rathdrum, Wicklow, 0

    renovation of existing derelict house

    Application No.:
    View details
  • 2 New Park Road 2 Newpark Road, , Wicklow, Wicklow, A67 Y954

    Extension and alteration of 2 New park Road from bungalow to 2 storey house

    24/89 View details
  • 2 houses Ballydonarea Sea Road, , Kilcoole, Wicklow,

    2 new dwellings and associated site works.

    2460110 View details
  • 2357-Sidmonton Court 1 Sidmonton Court, , Bray, Wicklow, A98 FD21

    (1) Revisions to the fenestration to the front, side and rear elevation. (2) The provision of three new south facing rooflights.(3) A new single-storey flat roof side extension to the west of the existing garage accommodating a new entrance. (4) The alteration and conversion of the existing garage to match the new extension to the west. (5) A new single-storey flat roof rear extension

    24/60199 View details
  • 56 Seacourt newcastle, , newcastle, Wicklow, A63 Y058

    single storey extension to side and rear of existing dwelling, 56 Seacourt Newcastle

    2360359 View details
  • House Cookstown 10 L1020 Cookstown Road, , Enniskerry, Wicklow,

    the construction of a new single storey three - bedroom dwelling house (123sqm) with wastewater treatment system; hard and soft landscaping; boundary treatments and all associated site development works above and below ground. The proposed development will also include: new access to the shared driveway leading onto the Cookstown Road(L1020) and upgrading/resurfacing of the shared driveway

    24162 View details
  • Extension Churchland Churchlands, , Tinahely, Wicklow, Y14 R856

    Extension and alterations to an existing circa 95 sq. m dwelling. The works will involve the following. (1) Demolition of existing extensions to rear and side of existing dwelling circa 43 sq. m. (2) A new extension to the rear of the dwelling (3) alterations to internal layout elevations and all associated site works

    2460243 View details
  • Rathdrum House Extension 30 Centre Road, Ballygannon, , Rathdrum, Wicklow, A67 W718

    Two-storey extension to existing dwelling

    2360428 View details



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