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Carriglea Marine Road, , Greystones, Wicklow, A63 A621Description:
The construction of a single storey extension to the side and a two storey extension to the rear of the existing house together with internal reconfiguration of the existing house with all associated ancillary and site works at Carriglea, Marine Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow. A63 A621
Construction of new garage Hawkins Lane, , Greystones, Wicklow,Description:
Construction of new garage and ancillary site works
Private House at Altidore Demesne, Kilpedder Co Wicklow Altidor Demis, Kilpeder, Co Wicklow., , Kilpeder, Wicklow,Description:
New Dwelling and associated site works
New Build Dwelling Kilmagig Upper, , Avoca, Wicklow,Description:
bungalow,with discharge into public sewer and associated site works, revised location of access point from public road to adjoining Cherrybrook premises
Blainroe Driving Range Blainroe Golf Club, , Blainroe, Wicklow,Description:
Proposed golf academy comprising of a covered training bay and practice bays, building circa 239.5 sqm, linked to a coffee / pro shop building circa 52 sqm, improvements to existing vehicular exit / entrance, associated car parking, security fencing, practice fairways and greens, range lighting and a proprietary waste water treatment system to EPA standards together with all associated site development works
Chimney corner Wicklow, A98 V8P0Description:
Construction of a dormer to the rear of the existing pitched roof with one roof light to the front and all minor internal reconfiguration and associated site works
New Dwelling Enniskerry Monastery Road, , Enniskerry, Wicklow,Description:
Construct of new dormer dwelling & associated site works
Sorrentino Herbert Road, , Bray, Wicklow, A98 RW08Description:
Completion of works are as follows: internal 100mm warmboard on all internal walls throughout property, attic insulation, plaster boarding internal stud partitions and ceilings, finish external render and skim coat plastering throughout, electrical second fix, plumbing and heating to include installation of Nibe 12kw heat pump. New timber baton detail on rear wall with render finish to match, New aluminium front door to be installed. All internal second fix carpentry. General painting and decorating and tiling to be completed at Sorrentino, Herbert Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow. A98RW08.
New block work Extension at Ballinalea 5 Ballinalea, , Ashford, Wicklow, A67 AV81Description:
New rear extension
Dwlling at 11 New Road Kilcoole 11 New Road, , Kilcoole, Wicklow,Description:
Dwelling with connection to services