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Meadow Hill 89-107 Marlton Springs, , Wicklow, Wicklow,Description:
Construction of 19 units associated roads, footpaths, greenspaces and services
St Brigids Building Kilcoole National School Main Street, , Kilcoole, Wicklow, A63 XT71Description:
Construction of new two story Primary School building with 12 classrooms, and ancillary accommodation (2,181m2), 56 no. car parking spaces, 36 no bicycle spaces, works to entrance/exit road and pavement, new foul and surface water drainage, new boundary treatment and landscape planting, new hard play areas, new ball court, including all associated and ancillary works
St Anthonys Building Kilcoole National School Main Street, , Kilcoole, Wicklow, A63 E957Description:
St Anthonys NS Demolition of the existing St. Anthony's Building roof, and construction of:- new pitched and flat roof to existing building with internal courtyard, two new corridors to form new external classroom, two new link corridors, a single storeyprimary school extension with 4 primary school classrooms, Gp Hall (195sqm) Multipurpose Room (20 sqm), Admin OfEce (l6sqm) Z no SBf rooms (l6sqm each), Library/Re:o.F.t Room (66sqm) and ancillary accommodati,on (total extension area 1,110 sqm), 12 no. new carparking spaces, 36 no. bicycle spaces, new pedeskian entrance, gates, stairs and ramps and works to Kilcoole Road R761, new boundary treatnent and landscaping, new foul and surface water drainage, new hard play areas,,new ball court, including all associat"a *a ancillary works at Kilcoole Primary School, St. Anthony's Building, Main street, Kilcoole, co. Wicklow.
8 no detached 2 storey dwellings at Cookstown townland, Cookstown Road, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow Cookstown townland, Cookstown Road, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow, , Lovers Leap Lane, Wicklow,Description:
modifications to the development as granted under prr 16/976. The permitted development is for 6 no. detached 2-storey dwellings. The amended proposal provides for 8 no. detached 2-storey dwellings with revised house designs as well as associated revisions to internal road layout and drainage infrastructure
Phase 3 Duplex Type F2 (Units 20 to 35) Development at Church Hill, Season Park, Newtownmountkennedy Church Road, , Newtown Mount Kennedy, Wicklow,Description:
1 No. Duplex Block (Units 20 to 35) comprising 16 No. three-storey terraced duplex apartments made up of 8 No. 2 bedroom ground floor apartments and 8 No. 3 bedroom apartments at first and second floor levels; all together with ancillary footpaths and cycle paths, landscaping and boundary treatments, public, private and communal open space areas, car and bicycle parking, refuse storage areas, all ancillary site development works and services connections.
Phase 2 Duplex Type F1 (Units 4 to 19) Development at Church Hill, Season Park, Newtownmountkennedy Church Road, , Newtown Mount Kennedy, Wicklow,Description:
1 No. Duplex Block (Units 4 to 19) comprising 16 No. three-storey terraced duplex apartments made up of 8 No. 2 bedroom ground floor apartments and 8 No. 3 bedroom apartments at first and second floor levels; all together with ancillary footpaths and cycle paths, landscaping and boundary treatments, public, private and communal open space areas, car and bicycle parking, refuse storage areas, all ancillary site development works and services connections.
Residential Development at Ardview, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow Ardview, , Rathdrum, Wicklow,Description:
Units 66-94, 120-136 (42 Units) at Ardview, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow
Phase 1 Housing Development at Church Hill, Season Park, Newtownmountkennedy Church Road, , Newtown Mount Kennedy, Wicklow,Description:
25 No. residential units comprising a) 4 No. 2 bedroom semi-detached bungalows; b) 1 No. two-storey 4 bed house; c) 8 No. 3 bedroom terraced houses; d) 4 No. 4 bedroom semi-detached dwellings; and e) 8 No. 4 bedroom semi-detached dwellings; all together with ancillary footpaths and cycle paths, landscaping and boundary treatments, public, private and communal open space areas, car and bicycle parking, refuse storage areas, all ancillary site development works and services connections.
LRD - Estate 4 Maisonettes 50-53 Aldergreen - Part of 210 Residential Unit Scheme. Alderwood, , Newtownmountkennedy, Wicklow,Description:
Estate 4 Maisonettes - 50-53 Aldergreen, Alderwood, Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow.