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New Extensions and Works at 57 Oaklands Arklow 57 Oaklands, , Arklow, Wicklow,Description:
demolish an existing car port and shed to the side of the existing dwelling and erect a 8m2 single storey bay to the front, a 83m2 two storey extension tot he side and a 54m2 single storey extension tot he rear with alterations and revisions to the elevations and internal layout of the existing 88m2 dwelling along with all associated site development works.
Oldcourt Park 8A Oldcourt Park, , Bray, Wicklow,Description:
New 2-storey detached dwelling, new vehicle access gate, new boundary walls and associated site works
Dev. at Mainstreet Roundwood, Co. Wicklow Main Street, , Roundwood, Wicklow,Description:
The construction of 2 detached houses, 4 semi-detached houses, bike and bin store, connection to all services, revised entrance onto public road, new road, footpaths, car parking area and associated works
95 Bed Community Nursing Unit Extension at St. Colman's Hospital, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow Wicklow, A67 AK06Description:
95 Bed Community Nursing Unit Extension at St. Colman's Hospital, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow The new build extension will consist of two and three storey resident accommodation blocks staggered either side of a new central three storey circulation spine containing lifts, stairs and a new main entrance. The resident accommodation will provide 95 single bedrooms, each with ensuite, arranged within 3 x 25 Bed Households and 2 x 10 Bed Dementia Specific units. These Households and Dementia Specific units will include living, dining, kitchen, activities and ancillary facilities and access to courtyards and terraces. New plantrooms including Sub-station, switchroom, landscaping, site services, Services Yard, generator, carparking and site circulation roads are also included.
Ashford NS - Accessible W.C. Ashford, , Ashford, Wicklow, A67 X257Description:
Accessible W.C. with an accessible entrance together with associated site works
Application No.: -
EMNH4-EyrefieldManor Church Lane, Church Road, , Greystones, Wicklow, A63 KN63Description:
Provision of new Fire Door locations to Rooms 3 and 18 to facilitate 3 beds within each of the bedrooms 3 and 18. Associated alterations and blocking up of corridor wall openings.
Application No.: -
Single Storey Extension to 59 Burnaby Heights 59 Burnaby Heights, , Greystones, Wicklow, A63 XN12Description:
A single storey 18m2 extension to the side and front of the house including minor internal and external alterations and associated site works.
House Bellevue Hill Bellevue Hill, , Greystones, Wicklow,Description:
New dwelling
Dev. at Dwyer Square, Tinahely, Co. Wicklow Dwyer Square, , Tinahely, Wicklow, Y14 P732Description:
The change of use from restaurant to short term accommodation and internal alterations and to remove existing door and to replace it with a window on the side elevation, a new disabled access ramp and steps to the front elevation on the public footpath and change of signage to the front elevation.
attic conversion @ 24 Archers wood drive 24 archers wood drive, , Delgany, Wicklow, A63 F821Description:
attic conversion @ 24 Archers wood drive