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36.6m2 extension to the rear and upgraded waste water treatment at Lakeview Upper Ashtown Roudwood Co Wicklow Lakeview Upper Ashtown, , Roundwood, Wicklow, A98 H6F9Description:
36.6m2 extension to the rear (eastern) and upgraded wastewater treatment system and its associated percolation area to EPA standards and all associated site works at Lakeview Upper Ashtown Roundwood Co Wicklow (The 8sq m northern extension is NOT to be carried out )
Attic Conversion at 8 Eastmount Gardens 8 Eastmount Gardens, , Greystones, Wicklow, A63 PX34Description:
Conversion of Existing Attic Space including introduction of roof lights to front and rear roof slopes along with 2no. frosted windows in gable wall of existing dwelling at 8 Eastmount Gardens, Chapel Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow A63 PX34
Renovations at Rocky Valley Garrybeg, , Rocky Valley, Wicklow, A98TC59Description:
alterations to window arrangement to front side and rear of existing dwelling, new internal layout of existing dwelling, creation of attic storage area in existing attic, 4 velux windows to front of dwelling
Rear 98 Main Street, Bray, Co Wicklow 98 Main Street, , Bray, Wicklow, A98 W5H9Description:
Proposed construction of 3no. new residential dwellings over three story's, including 1no two bedroom apartment at ground level and 2 no. two bedroom duplex dwellings at first and second floor level at the rear of 98 Main Street, Bray, Co Wicklow, A98 W5H9.
Extension at Tuckmill Lower Tuckmill Lower, , Baltinglass, Wicklow, W91HR53Description:
New Blockwork extension to existing dwelling
New Dwelling at Tomriland Tomriland, , Annamoe, Wicklow,Description:
New Black dwelling with Slate roof
dwelling at Ballynerrin Lower 32 Saint Patrick's Road, , Wicklow, Wicklow,Description:
Dwelling with connection to services
Extension 9 Templerainey Heights 9 Templerainey Heights, , Arklow, Wicklow, Y14 YP65Description:
Side Extension to existing House
Construction of a single storey two bedroom extension at Ballyknockan Cottage Ballyknockan Cottage, , Ballyknockan Beg, Wicklow, A67 YK20Description:
Construction of an extension and associated works at Ballyknockan Cottage Ballyknockan Beg Glenealy Co Wicklow
1 Willow Park 1 Willow Park, , Greystones, Wicklow, A63 RR44Description:
A part single storey, part two storey extension, alterations and associated works to the front and side of an existing dwelling.The development is for an extension to a dwelling, that is less than 40sqm, but was subject to planning permission and therefore qualifies for a Commencement Notice without compliance documentation.