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Proposed Dormer Window, La Verna, Meath Rd, Bray Meath Road, , Bray, Wicklow, A98 P864Description:
Proposed new dormer window to replace existing rooflight to front elevation 2) all ancillary works at La Verna, Meath Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
New Dwelling at Newbawn Newbawn, , Kilmacurragh, Wicklow,Description:
New bungalow, new entrance off existing lane, new treatment system and percolation area to current EPA standards and all ancillary site works at Newbawn, Rathdrum
Domestic development at Rathbane, Hacketstown, Co Wicklow Rathbane, , Hacketstown, Wicklow,Description:
Construction of a dormer style dwelling, bored well, septic tank & percolation area, use of existing entrance, and all associated site works
Springfield Killoughter Lane, Clonmannon,, , Ashford, Wicklow,Description:
Proposed detached dormer dwelling and ancillary site development works.
Area 24.12-Woodstock ETNS (Unit A) Newtown Mt. Kennedy, Co. Wicklow, A63 KV80, , Newtown Mt. Kennedy, Wicklow,Description:
This project involves the provision of a temporary school accommodation building by way of construction of a prefabricated building & all associated site works on a site at Woodstock Educate Together National School, Newtown Mt. Kennedy, Co. Wicklow, A63 KV80
Application No.: -
Area 24.12-Woodstock ETNS (Unit B) Newtown Mt. Kennedy, Co. Wicklow, A63 KV80, , Newtown Mt. Kennedy, Wicklow,Description:
This project involves the provision of a temporary school accommodation building by way of construction of a prefabricated building & all associated site works on a site at Woodstock Educate Together National School, Newtown Mt. Kennedy, Co. Wicklow, A63 KV80
Application No.: -
Scot's Pine, 11 Kendalstown Rise Scot's Pine, 11 Kendalstown Rise, , Greystones, Wicklow, A63 PP94Description:
Works now proposed include small extension of ground and first floor to west façade and associated alteration of existing roof profile above from hip to gable to provide additional accommodation for bedroom area. Works also to include modification of window opening to stairs half-landing on front (north) façade, alterations to roof profile above main entrance door and introduction of skylight above stairs. Works also to include modification of previously approved dormer to front (north) elevation, along with additional dormer and skylights to this elevation along with modification to previously approved dormer to rear (south) elevation, relocation of skylights to rear (south) elevation and new chimney. Works also to include alterations to internal layouts along with associated modifications to some external door and window opes.
Dwelling at Site 3 Oaklawn, Newcastle, Co.Wicklow Site 3 Oaklawn, , Newcastle, Wicklow,Description:
New detached dwelling at Site 3 Oaklawn, Newcastle, Co.Wicklow
Dwelling and waste system Ballykillavane, , Ballymoate, Wicklow,Description:
Dwelling at Ballykillavane, Glenealy
Dev. at Vartry Heights, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow 2 Vartry Heights, , Roundwood, Wicklow,Description:
The construction 4 no. 3-bedroom semi-detached dwellings, vehicular parking area to the front, connection to all services and all ancillary site works