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18 Monastery Road, Enniskerry, Co.Wicklow A98 RK70 18 Monastery Road, , Enniskerry, Wicklow, A98 RK70Description:
a) the construction of a part single storey, part two storey extension (43.1sqm) to the rear of the existing semi-detached house, b) provision of a velux rooflight to the tiled pitched roof to the front of the house and c) renovation and alterations to the existing house and all associated ancillary site works
Attic Conversion and Rear Extension at 35 Hollybrook Park, Kilruddery Demesne East, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Bray, Wicklow, A98 WA25Description:
1. Attic Conversion (38m2) and the construction of 2no. Dormer Windows; one to the rear and one to the front. The front dormer will be clad in zinc metal or similar. 2. The changing of the hipped tiled roof to have a full gable on the south side; and that this new raised gable will have a new 1.2m x 1m window. 3. The alteration and increase in the area of the existing ground floor rear extension by 8m2, this involves extending the rear building line, 0.65m full width to the rear, and the construction of a new pitched roof to rear extension at 35 Hollybrook Park, Kilruddery Demesne East, Bray, Co. Wicklow, A98 WA25.
Hillview Cottage Hillside Cottage, Hillside Road,, , Greystones,, Wicklow, A63 V6X2Description:
Alterations and extension to existing house and associated site development works.
HOLY REDEEMER PARISH CENTRE Herbert Rd, Bray, Co. Wicklow, , Bray, Wicklow, A98 T9C5Description:
Internal refurbishment, new flat roof, fire upgrade, new stud walls, ancillary services with associated works.
Application No.: -
8 Hillcrest Avenue 8 Hillcrest Avenue, , Delgany, Wicklow, A63 XE95Description:
Extension to No.8 Hillcrest Avenue, Delgany ,Co. Wicklow.
62 Monastery Grove - Single Storey Extension Monastery Grove, , Enniskerry,, Wicklow, A98 AV81Description:
a single storey extension to the side at Ground Level
Works to dwelling at Ballinacrow, Stratford on Slaney, Co. Wicklow Wicklow, W91 V5D6Description:
The development will consist of the demolition of an existing front porch and unfinished extension to the rear of the existing cottage. Retain and renovate the original cottage and the construction of new single storey extension to the front and a new two storey extension to the side, replacement of the existing septic tank with a new secondary waste water treatment system and soil polishing filter, new landscaping and associated site works
Construction of a single-storey dwelling & associated works at Killinure, Coolkenno Killinure, , Coolkenno, Wicklow,Description:
The Construction of a single storey dwelling house, wastewater treatment system, bored well, new entrance and all ancillary site works at Killinure, Coolkenno, CO. Wicklow.
Clone House Clone House, , Aughrim, Wicklow, Y14 D295Description:
Refurbishment, part demolition, conversion, extension of existing stable blocks to provide guesthouse accommodation units and associated works.
Little Bunnies Pre school and Childcare Bray, Wicklow, A98 EK71Description:
Material alteration to existing single storey Day Care Centre Building (affecting 211.70) for Little Bunnies Pre school and childcare at existing Parochial Hall, Novara Avenue, Bray, Co. Wicklow, A98EK71.
Application No.: