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Attic Conversion at 15 Eastmount Woods, Chapel Road, Delgany, Co. Wicklow, A63 R7W6 15 Eastmount Woods, , Delgany, Wicklow, A63 R7W6Description:
Conversion of Existing Attic Space including introduction of roof lights to front and rear roof slopes along with frosted window in gable wall to existing dwelling at 15 Eastmount Woods, Chapel Road, Delgany, Co. Wicklow, A63 R7W6
34 Lower Grattan Park 34 Lower Grattan Park, , Greystones, Wicklow, A63 YA99Description:
Proposed new 22sqm extensions to existing dwelling, comprising 11sqm to the rear and 11sqm to the side. Minor alterations to existing elevations.
Scot's Pine, 11 Kendalstown Rise Scot's Pine, 11 Kendalstown Rise, , Delgany, Wicklow, A63 PP94Description:
extension to rear & side of GF, single-storey wing to side of GF, alteration of roof, 1 no.dormer to front roof and 2 no. dormers to rear roof, skylights to north and south roof, alterations to existing fenestration,canopy to ground floor terrace & 2 no. balconies at first floor.
26 Saran Wood Bray, Wicklow, A98 ND88Description:
Single storey extension to side and rear of three storey house
Ard na Greine Delgany House Extension & Alterations Ard na Greine, Coolnaskeagh, , Delgany, Wicklow, A63 Y237Description:
Alterations and extensions to the existing single storey house to include a single storey side extension to the north side elevation, internal alterations to an existing house, demolition of the existing front porch & provision of an external veranda & replacement steps to the front elevation.
extension 10 The Hollows, , Tinahely, Wicklow, Y14 NC42Description:
Proposed 3 storey residential block (Block B) comprising of 4 ground floor units and 4 duplex units over at Inchanappa South Inchanappa South, , Ashford, Wicklow,Description:
Proposed 3 storey residential block (Block B) comprising of 4 ground floor units and 4 duplex units over at Inchanappa South, Ashford, Co. Wicklow.
16A Seafield 16A Seafield, , Wicklow, Wicklow,Description:
Construction of a 3 bed detached unit No 16A Seafield
Funeral Home An Tigin MARINE TERRACE, , Greystones, Wicklow, A63 PK81Description:
A change of use to an existing commercial unit and yard to provide funeral services, together with all site development works.
Warehouse Units at Block A Bullford Business Campus Kilcoole Bullford Business Campus, , Kilcoole, Wicklow,Description:
8 No. Light industrial warehouse units in a single block and associated works