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Residential Development at Ballinagee Ballinagee, Enniskerry, wicklowDescription:
Construction of dwelling house, driveways, waste treatment unit, improvement to existing entrance, improved sightlines and ancillary works at Ballinagee, Enniskerry.
Alterations & Extension to an existing private dwelling at Clair du Lune, Kilmacanogue, Co. Wicklow Long Hill, Killough Lower,, Kilmacanogue, wicklowDescription:
Demolition of an existing single storey unauthorised extension to south gable, and the construction of a new single storey extension comprising 2 No. new bedrooms in lieu of same, the demolition of an existing converted garage & utility room to north gable, and the construction of a new single storey garage & utility room extension to front elevation in lieu of same, together with the construction of a new dormer extension to the rear comprising a new living room at ground floor level, and a new master bedroom at dormer floor level, and all associated site works, including the installation of a new on-site waste water treatment facility to current EPA standards at Clair Du Lune, an existing single storey detached bungalow.
devon cottage roof lights and door Devon Cottage, Blacklion, Greystones, wicklowDescription:
installation of 4 new roof lights to the south elevation, and the installation of a new front door in place of an existing window and the demolition of an existing porch at Devon Cottage, Blacklion, Greystones.
Lis Na Mara, Sea Road, Ballygannon, Kilcoole Lis Na Mara, Sea Road, Ballygannon, Kilcoole, wicklowDescription:
Renovation of and alterations to existing cottage, the erection of a barrell vaulted roof extension at ground and mezzanine level and associated site development works.
Removal of front door new front and side windows 14 St. Lawerences Park, Wicklow, wicklowDescription:
Removal od front dooe, new front and side windows, and revsed position of existing front windows
Garage Conversion To 108 Mountainveiw Drive, Bray 108 Mountain Veiw Drive, Bray, wicklowDescription:
Conversion & extension of existing attached side garage to habitable space and storage including replacing the flat roof with pitched roof to match existing house and includes drainage and ancillary works at 108 Mountainveiw Drive, Boghall Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow.
Residential extension 14 Hunters Leap , Newcastle, wicklowDescription:
Proposed 31 sq.m. extension to existing 215 sq.m. dwelling and associated site works
Amalgamation of retail units Units 14 & 15, Bridgewater Centre, Arklow, wicklowDescription:
Amalgamation of Units 14 & 15 at The Bridgewater Centre, Arklow and replacing signage to Unit 14
Application No.: -
Thompson Ballymoate Ballymoate, Glenealy, wicklowDescription:
New dwelling, garage, proposed secondary treatment system to current EPA 2009 guidelines, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works.
Hanlon Blessington Knockkieran Lower, Blessington, wicklowDescription:
Entrance gate (using pre-existing field gate), new driveway and use of former entrance for pedestrian access only. Planning permission is sought for the proposed demolition of existing single storey extension, 2 no. existing chimneys and part demolition of existing single storey shed. Construction of proposed new single storey extension to the rear, single storey bay window extension to side and new/altered window and door openings to side and front elevations, new corrugated metal roof to part of existing shed being retained. Works to include new rooflights and solar panels on rear and side roofs, together with the upgrade of existing effluent disposal system to current EPA standards and all associated site drainage and landscaping works.