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Avoca Cottage the cottage, castlemacadam, avoca, wicklowDescription:
a new 5sqm ground floor extension to the rear of the property and with a 5sqm external balcony at first floor level accessed via new dormer to existing rear pitch of roof, with associated guarding and handrail
The Ceaders 6 South Place, Geystones, wicklowDescription:
Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of 2 no part single storey part two storey detached dwellings, reopening of previous vehicular entrance and associated works
Residential development of 5no. houses at The Old Stables, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Seapoint Road , Bray , wicklowDescription:
The removal of existing sheds and work buildings, and construction in their place of five two storey dwellings and all associated site works.
105 sq.m. domestic extension at 8 Soldiers Cottages, Kilcoole Rd. Killincarrig, Co. Wicklow Kilcoole Road, Killincarrig, wicklowDescription:
Two storey 105 sq.m. domestic extension to side and rear of existing dwelling at 8 Soldiers Cottages, Kilcoole Rd., Killincarrig, Co. Wicklow
ONeill at Whitestown Lwr Whitestown Lower, Stratford on Slaney, wicklowDescription:
dwelling house, garage, entrance, proprietary treatment system, all ancillary site works and services at Whitestown Lower ref WW 138659
Dwelling house and ancillary work at Kilbride Road, Blessington. St Kevins Kilbride Road, Blessington, wicklowDescription:
Repositioning of vehicular entrance and partial dishing of kerb to existing dwelling, erection of two storey dwelling and all ancillary work, including foul sewer connection in car park at rear of supermarket, and replacement of septic tank with Biocycle unit.
Two Storey Dwelling - Keogh Moorspark, Knockanarrigan, wicklowDescription:
Two Storey Dwelling and all associated site works at Moorspark, Knockanarrigan, Co. Wicklow.
Extension & Refurbishment of existing Dwelling No.13 New Russian Village, Kilquade, wicklowDescription:
New single storey rear extension to provide Kitchen, Dining, Family Room, with banked rooflights to front and rear of existing dwelling plus re-roofing of existing Conservatory to create a Sun Room with reinstatement of existing Dining to Bedroom. Scheme includes 2 No. new chimney stacks plus new garden shed at rear
Alterations to existing residential property 62 The Avenue, Meadowvale,, Arklow, wicklowDescription:
Provision of 2no. openable glazed rooflights to a dwelling roof, consisting of 1 rooflight to each the front (west) and rear (east) roof slopes.
St Saviour's NS Station Road, Rathdrum, wicklowDescription:
Proposal to renovate and extend existing school. The works will consist of a 532sqm extension including 3 class rooms, gerneral purpose hall, offices and link corridor. The renovation to the existing 1815sqm school will consist of conversion of an existing class room to resource rooms and the conversion of existing office to staff facilitie