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31 TINAHASK 31 TINAHASK, aRKLOW, wicklowDescription:
Attic conversion Littlemore, Greystones, wicklowDescription:
Attic conversion
SNU & Entrance extension to Scoil Chaoimhin Naofa, Glendalough Brockagh, Glendalough, wicklowDescription:
Construction of a single storey extension to the north of the existing school to include a new SNU classroom and support spaces and a single storey entrance extension to the south to include an entrance area and reception office along with all associated site works.
Eoin & Melissa Vaughan Liffey View, Butterhill, , Blessington, wicklowDescription:
(1) to demolish the existing single storey detached dwelling (2) to demolish the original derelict farmhouse and attached ancillary outbuidings to the side and stables to the rear (3) to demolish the detached stable block outbuilding also to the rear (4) to erect a replacement dwelling with all associated site development works (5) to erect a double garage and farm office to the rear of the proposed dwelling (6) upgrade the existing effluent disposal system on site to current EPA standards and (7) OUTLINE permission for a new agricultural shed to serve the existing farm
Residential Apartments, Dargle Centre, Castle Street, Bray Castle Street, Bray, wicklowDescription:
Conversion of first floor offices of existing building into redidential apartment units.
Seapoint Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow Seapoint Road , Bray, wicklowDescription:
Demolition of existing converted stables/outhouses and construction of 4 No. detached townhouses 172m2 each, together with associated site works
Marlton Hall Phase 2 - Houses 15-29 Marlton Hall, Wicklow, wicklowDescription:
Phase 2 (houses 15 – 29) housing development at Marlton Hall, Ballynerrin, Wicklow Town
"Quidara" Main Street, Blessington, wicklowDescription:
Construct replacement two story house and garage
Galtrim Lane House Highgate, Galtrim Road., Bray, wicklowDescription:
Construction of new three bedroom dormer bungalow at Highgate, Galtrim Road, Bray, Co Wicklow
New Single Storey Retail Unit Site to the rear of the existing retail and apartment unit (formerly Champs), at Church Road, Greystones, wicklowDescription:
New single-storey retail unit at the site to the rear of the existing retail and apartment unit (formerly Champs), at Church Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, in an Architectural Conservation Area.