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Domestic Extension & Alterations to 22 Monastery Cottages, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow 22 Monastery Cottages, Enniskerry, wicklowDescription:
Demolition of an existing rear single storey flat roof extension (9sqm) and the construction of rear dormer extension having a ground floor area of 38.5sqm with 33.5sqm first floor habitable accommodation, existing window openings enlarged, 11 no. roof lights, sundry internal altertions, external landscaping and drainage works.
Remodel of 105 Ardmore Park, Bray to include new pitched roof on garage and modification to fenestra 105 Ardmore Park, Bray, wicklowDescription:
The demolition of single storey conservatory to rear of existing two storey semi-detached house, removal of existing flat roof to single storey room to front and replacement of same with pitched roof with rooflight, modifications to existing fenestration to front, side and rear and widening of existing vehicular entrance.
Construction of dwelling for Mr Jim Kinsella at Kilmacanogue, Co. Wicklow Glencormick South, Kilmacanogue, wicklowDescription:
Construction of dormer dwelling at Glencormick South, Kilmacanogue, Co. Wicklow
single storey extension at 100 Burgage Manor, Blessington 100 Burgage Manor, Blessington, Blessington, wicklowDescription:
single storey extension to side of house & velux to rear at 100 Burgage Manor, Blessington, Co. Wicklow
32, Raheen Park, Bray 32, Raheen Park, Bray,, wicklowDescription:
1. New 2.4 msq front porch & 3 no. rooflights to existing South facing elevation. 2. New 'Jeckinhead Gable' extension to existing hipped roof. 3. New Window to side east facing elevation to match existing. 4. New two storey flat roofed extension to rear to include 51msq lower ground floor level, 42 msq ground floor extension. Existing dwelling area is 82 msq. 5. 2 no. zinc clad dormer windows with zinc clad link between dormer windows to new attic bedrooms 35msq and all other requisite ancillary site works
The conversion of the attic space above the existing apartment at 42 Blacklion Manor Greystones 42 Blacklion Manor, Greystones, wicklowDescription:
The conversion of the attic space above the existing apartment along with the construction of a new dormer roof space to the rear of the property. The works also include the alterations of the existing apartment floor plan to accommodate the introduction of a compartmentalised staircase to access the new living space above.
Extension to 34 Delgany Court 34 Delgany Court, Delgany, wicklowDescription:
Single Storey Extension to side and rear, minor alterations to elevations, new roof lights and site works at 34 Delgany Court, Delgany, Co. Wicklow
Living space extension of 5 Kilgarron Park 5 Kilgarron Park, Enniskerry, wicklowDescription:
Extended Kitchen living room with a total area of 31.5 sqm, including 1 rooflight to front and rear of extension and 3 rooflights to rear of existing house for future storage, alteration to kitchen window to front and application of external insulation to the existing house, all finished to match existing terrace at 5 Kilgarron Park Enniskerry Co. Wicklow
Granite Lodge, Lyndhurst and Drumcree, Herbert Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow herbert road, bray, wicklowDescription:
the construction of 26, 2 storey houses, entrance road and site works, at Drumcree, Lyndhurst and Drumcree, Herbert Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
Extension to 'Rossmore' Sidmonton Road, Bray, wicklowDescription:
Construction of rear extension including alterations to existing windows and new windows to rear and side of the existing dwelling including the demolition of the existing garage structure.