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26 Keatingstown, Wicklow Extension and Renovation 26 Keatingstown, Wicklow, wicklowDescription:
Single storey rear extension, Rear Dormer, Front Velux Rooflights, internal and external alterations and associated site works to the existing two storey dwelling.
Alterations and Additions to No. 4 Cookestown Cottages, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow No 4 Cookestown Cottages, Enniskerry, wicklowDescription:
Alterations and additions to single storey private dwelling house No. 4 Cookestown Cottages, Enniskerry, Co.Wicklow. Works include a single storey extension (31.4m2)to the rear of the existing semi-detached dwelling and a new raised pitched roof to the existing dormer structure. All new works to connect into existing services.
Two storey extension Askintinny, Arklow, Arklow, wicklowDescription:
Two storey extension to include first floor balcony at Askintinny, Arklow
attic conversion & new dormer window Rocky Valley Drive, Kilmacanogue, Kilmacanogue, wicklowDescription:
attic conversion and new dormer window to match existing dormer window and raising of part of roof to accommodate attic conversion
Alterations and Additions to existing dwelling house at Kincara Kinlen Road The Burnaby Greystones Kincora Kinlen Road The Burnaby, Greystones, wicklowDescription:
Demolition of an existing single storey lean-to extension (14.5m2) to gable end and construction of new single storey extension (37m2)to gable end and rear, with associated site works connecting into existing services at existing 2-storey semi-detached dwelling at "Kincora" Kinlen Road The Burnaby Greystones Co Wicklow
Single Storey Extension 20 Avalon, Arklow, wicklowDescription:
Single storey extension 9m2
73a Delgany Park, Delgany, County Wicklow 73a Delgany Park, Delgany, wicklowDescription:
4 bedroom, part single, part two storey detached dwelling, with new rooflights to the side garden of the existing detached bungalow. 2 New vehicle entrance and driveway with 2 car spaces and alterations to existing driveway 3. Associated site works
Dwelling House Drummin, Shillelagh, wicklowDescription:
Erection of a dwelling house
2 storey dwelling at 30 Castle Street, Wicklow 30 Castle Street, Wicklow, wicklowDescription:
Demolition of existing single storey extension to the rear, demolition of walls, gates and pillars to the side, the refurbishment of the existing 2 storey house. The provision of a 2 storey extension to the side, 2 storey extension to the rear, new converted attic space creating a second floor within the roof with roof windows to the front and back, over new ground floor granny flat, new pedestrian and vehicular access gates to the side below first floor extension leading to new rear landscaped courtyard with off street car parking, new perimeter walls and all associated site works
KFC Drive Thru Restaurant - Shell Works, Arklow Tesco Carpark R772, Wexford Road, Arklow, wicklowDescription:
Proposed KFC drive thru restaurant will operate at the site: Wexford Road, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. It comprises of an insulated panel external cladding on a structural steel frame, single storey building with a yard to the rear. The development includes associated car parking, total 26 spaces for restaurant patrons (including 2 disabled bays), a drive thru lane with menu board signage and speaker units, external works, landscaping and customer services i.e. public lighting, etc.