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3969 results

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  • Dwelling at Dunlavin Upper Dunlavin Upper, Dunlavin , wicklow

    Storey and a half dwelling with Septic System

    14/1019 View details
  • ext to 32 Castle Manor, Newcastle 32 Castle Manor, Newcastle, Newcastle, wicklow

    Single Storey extension to the side and rear of the existing house at 32 Castle Manor, Newcastle

    14/1399 View details
  • New dwelling house at Ballyduff North, Johnstown Rd., Arklow Ballyduff North, Johnstown Road, Arklow, wicklow

    New dwelling house, garage, bored well, effluent disposal and ancillary site works at Ballyduff North, Johnstown Rd., Arklow.

    13/8582 View details
  • Alterations and Extension to The Smithy, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow The Smithy, Waterfall Road,, Enniskerry,, wicklow

    alterations and extensions to existing two storey detached family dwelling to include single storey dining room extension to side (west) elevation and single storey living/sleeping extension over proposed basement extension

    08/1142 View details
  • Aoife Connolly & Paul Kocikowski Calary Upper, , Kilmacanogue, wicklow

    extensions to existing house, demolish part of existing shed, widen existing entrance, alter existing driveway and associated site works and services

    138618 View details
  • Residential Development of one off Dwelling at Ballymoate Ballymoate, Glenealy, wicklow

    1. single storey dwelling (206m2). 2. connection to drains on public road. 3. removal of existing septic tank serving fanily home and provision of new connection to drains on public road. 4. all above with associated site works

    138919 View details
  • Danny Esmonde Greenhill Road, Wicklow, wicklow

    a proposed new change of house type to that previously granted under file ref 08/371 and subsequent extension of appropriate period granted under file ref 13/8201 as well as all associated site works

    138949 View details
  • works to 2 Forge Cottages, Blacklion 2 Forge Cottages, Blacklion, Greystones, wicklow

    Dev in an Architectural Conservation Area consisting of single storey extension with glazed roof to the rear of dormer cottage

    14/1094 View details
  • Keogh Killalesh Killalesh, Kiltegan, wicklow

    Extension to existing single storey dwelling

    14/1032 View details
  • Kilquade Hill House L5074, Kilquade, wicklow

    (1) single storey extension (34sqm) to the south elevation (2) two storey extension (5.4sqm) to the west elevation (3) first floor extension (7.85sqm) over existing ground floor utility to the north elevation (4) blocking up of ground floor window, new first floor window and resizing of two first floor windows to the south elevation (5) resizing one ground floor window, blocking up of two windows, resizing one first floor window with two additional first floor windows to the west elevation (6) new first floor window to existing tower, resizing first floor window, blocking up door to existing tower to north elevation

    13/8926 View details



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