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10 bellevue Cottages 10 Bellevue Cottages, Delgany, wicklowDescription:
1) Demolition of 1sqm front porch and 12sqm rear flat roof extension. 2) The construction of a new 102sqm rear extension to the existing bungalow with 23sqm attic bedroom with a fixed staircase to access room. 3) In the existing bungalow there shall be internal alterations. 4) Increasing dwelling from a 2 bedroom to 3 bedroom house. 5) Front elevational changes to existing bungalow whilst relocating the front entrance to new porch to side of bungalow. 6) New vehicular entrance piers and splayed walls allowing for sufficient sight lines onto public road along with all associated site and drainage works.
New House Silver Strand Dunbur Upper, Silver Strand, wicklowDescription:
Demolition of existing house and provision of new house & garage and new treatment unit
New one-off house at Moanvawn Moanvawn, Stratford on Slaney, wicklowDescription:
Construction of 2-storey dwelling, new waste water treatment system and ancillary works at Moanvawn, Stratford on Slaney, Baltinglass
Extension to Ty Gwyn, Blacklion, Greystones, Co. Wicklow Kindlestown Road Lower, Blacklion, Greystones, wicklowDescription:
Demolition of a single storey kitchen and outbuildings and the construction of a 114sqm single storey extension (part flat-roofed, part mono-pitched) consisting of a kitchen, living room, utility rooms and en-suite bedroom at the rear of Ty Gwyn, Blacklion, Greystones.
Extension to Residence at Sraghmore, Roundwood Sraghmore, Roundwood, wicklowDescription:
Two storey extension and Internal Refurbishment to existing dwelling
44 Avalon, Domestic Extension 44 Avalon, Arklow, wicklowDescription:
new two-storey dormer style extension to the rear(North) of the existing dwelling comprising of a new bay window to the existing kitchen area and a new living/dining area including a new window ope to the existing side elevation (east) & modifications to the existing entrance door to front elevation(south) at ground floor level together with a new bedroom & en-suite facility & re-arranged bathroom layout to the rear elevation with a new window ope with opaque glass to exising side elevation at first floor level, all connecting into existing services
Tom Egan Mount Usher, Ashford, wicklowDescription:
construction of a low-profile dwelling to replace dwelling acquired & demolished by the planning authority for road improvements; planning permission is also required for effluent treatment system, together with associated site works including landscape screening 6
Ed Rhatigan Cronesallgh, Aughrim, wicklowDescription:
demolition of the existing eastern dwelling house and the adjoining section of the western dwelling house (b) the construction of a new single storey domestic extension on the southern, eastern and northern facades of the existing western dwelling house (c) the provision of a new waste water treatment unit and ancillary site works
Extension to Cottage at Three Trout Bridge Three Trout Bridge, Killincarrig, wicklowDescription:
Demolish the existing front porch and rear extension and for the construction of a one and a half storey extension to the side and rear of the existing cottage and all associated site works
Arklow Community College Coolgreany Road, Arklow, wicklowDescription:
The proposed development consists of the demolition of the existing single storey school building and the construction of a new 7,975 sq.m. two storey school building with 5 no. external ball courts, a grassed playing pitch, 65 car parking spaces, and all associated site development works at Arklow Community College, Coolgreaney Road, Arklow, Co.Wicklow.