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3969 results

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  • ext, alterations and demolition at 14 Burnaby Manor 14 Burnaby Manor, Greystones, wicklow

    studio, porch and alterations & demolition of boiler house

    12/6424 View details
  • Modifications of roof arrangement 239 Charlesland 239 Charlesland Court, Greystones, wicklow

    mod of roof arrangement to facilitate conversion of the attic space

    14/1276 View details
  • Lott Lane residential Lott Lane, Kilcoole, wicklow

    Demolition of razed dwelling and the construction of three no. detached two-storey houses, one with garage, modification to existing vehicular access to provide access to all three properties along new internal access road, boundary treatments and associated site works

    102958 View details
  • Byrne Donarea Avenue Donarea Ave, Sea Road, Kilcoole, wicklow

    modifications to permitted house 2, of p.r.r. 09/1178 the modifications are to include reduced floor area, amendments to building footprint and elevations, location of house and garage, together with associated siteworks

    141169 View details
  • dwelling house with domestic garage and all associated site works croneyhorn upper, carnew, wicklow

    proposed dwelling house with domestic garage and all associated site works situated at Croneyhorn Upper, Carnew, Co. Wicklow

    11/4757 View details
  • Alma Carey Zuniga Moneyteige North, Aughrim, wicklow

    Demoilsh existing fire damaged bungalow and full permission for a replacement bungalow,effluent treatment system to current EPA standards and associated works

    13/8822 View details
  • Clonmannon Ashford Clonmannon, Ashford, wicklow

    Renovation of existing dwelling and construction of extension and proprietary treatment system

    138074 View details
  • Kervan Hill Merrymeeting Rathnew Broomhall,, Rathnew,, wicklow

    19 no dwellings (10 no two storey semi-detached dwellings, 4 no 2 storey terraced dwellings, 2 no semi-detached bungalows and 1 no. detached bungalow) with connections to services, new access onto Saunders Lane Road and all ancillary site works including roads, footpaths and civil works at Broomhall Rathnew, Co. Wicklow

    138739 View details
  • 14A Bramble Glade 14A Bramble Glade, Ashford, wicklow

    modifications to previously approved permission ref no. 09/1232 to include: 1. revised house type from approved 2 bedroom of 78sqm to a new 3 bedroom dwelling type with a revised floor area of 133sqm an increase of 55sqm, 2. reduction of open space from previously approved 246.5sqm to 210sqm. 3. 3 no. rooflights to the west elevation at first floor level. 4. No modifications to approved combined site access

    126027 View details
  • ext & site works at 21 Upper Grattan Park, Greystones 21 Upper Grattan Park, Greystones, Gre, wicklow

    Ext & associated works to 21 Upper Grattan Park, Greystones

    13/8240 View details



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