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Seaver house Donarea Ave, Sea Road, Kilcoole, wicklowDescription:
1 no dormer dwelling, driveway off Donarea Avenue, garage and boundary treatments together with associated site works
45, Ryecroft Dwelling Extension No.45, Ryecroft, Bray,, wicklowDescription:
1. New 37Msq Single Storey Extension to Rear East Facing Elevation of Existing Dwelling complete with 3 No. Rooflights to New Pitched Roof. 2. New 11Msq First Floor Extension over Existing Ground Floor Annex to South Elevation. 3. New Dormer Window & Rooflight to East Facing Pitch of Existing Roof. 4. All other Requisite Ancillary Site works at No. 45, Ryecroft Park, Bray, Co. Wicklow.
ext & alterations 3 Bentley Road, Boghall Road, Bray 3 Bentley Road, Boghall Road, Bray, wicklowDescription:
erect a single storey ext and alterations to existing dwelling at 3 Bentley Road
Ext to side & rear of 170 Redford Park 170 Redford Park, Greystones, wicklowDescription:
Single Storey ext to side and rear of existing bungalow to 170 Redford Park
ext & alterations 4 Kilgarron Park 4 Kilgarron Park, Enniskerry, wicklowDescription:
demolition, rear ext & alterations to 4 Kilgarron Park, Enniskerry
New Extension and Alterations to St. Mary's Junior National School, Blessington, Co. Wicklow Main Street, Blessington, wicklowDescription:
Single storey Administration and Staff Room extension to the western side of the main entrance area and alterations to Accommodation Block at St. Mary’s Junior National School, Main Street, Blessington, Co. Wicklow
8 Sea View Cottages, Greystones, Co. Wicklow Sea View Cottages, Greystones, wicklowDescription:
Renovation and extension to 8 Sea View Cottages, Greystones, Co. Wicklow
Marlton Hall - Phase 1 Marlton Hall, Ballynerrin, Wicklow, wicklowDescription:
11 detached and semi-detached houses in lieu 14 houses previously approved on sites 1–14 under planning file ref 13 8569 granted for 79 dwellings together with ancillary, and associated site development works at Ballynerrin, Wicklow town, Co. Wicklow
DockYardNo8 8 Dock terrace, Bray, wicklowDescription:
Change of use from residential to coffee shop/Restaurant at ground floor.
Unit D & E, 66 Main Street, Bray, Co. Wicklow Unit D & E, 66 Main Street, Bray, wicklowDescription:
Change of use from offices to shop and storage