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  • 1 Barnwell Square East, Hansfield, Dublin 15, D15 HPC4 1 Barnwell Square East, , , Fingal, D15 HPC4

    Proposed attic roof space conversion for habitable use with two dormer roof windows and rooflight to side part of roof and rear single storey extension with all associated internal alterations, associated site development works to dwelling house. Please note the site is located within a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ).

    FW24A/0461 View details
  • Extension to rear of property at Ellwood Portrane Road, , Donabate, Fingal, K36FP59

    Construction of a single-storey, flat-roof extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, providing an extended living and kitchen area along with one additional bedroom. The proposed works also include the partial demolition of an existing domestic garage on-site.

    F24A/0720 View details
  • Extension, Renovation and Alterations to existing house at 32 Offington Drive, Sutton, Dublin 13, D13T0X2. 32 Offington Drive, , Dublin, Fingal, D13 T0X2

    1. The demolition of the existing garage and shed. 2. The extension of the existing house to include, a single storey extensions to the rear plus a Alterations to the roof structure to include new dormers to the front & rear of the new and existing roof. 3. Minor alterations to the existing house including adjustments of internal layouts, addition of a roof light to the rear plane of the existing roof, adjustments to the fenestration and external finishes, adjustments to the roof profile of the existing rear extension. 4. Plus All Associated Site Works.

    F23A/0752 View details
  • 53admiralpark 53 Admiral Park, , Dublin 13, Fingal, D13 W5P6

    Development will consist of a new gable wall to the side of the existing house with a new window added at attic level. A new window & door at ground floor level to the existing side elevation. A proposed new dormer roof to the rear of the existing house roof. A new ground floor only extension to rear of the existing house and all ancillary works.

    F24A/0799 View details
  • Demolition of porch & Ground floor side extension 12 Derham Park, , Balbriggan, Fingal, K32 NT67

    Demolition of single storey side porch. Construction of single storey side extension with pitched roof over with 1No. roof light on rear slope of roof

    F24A/0836 View details
  • 41 Bayside 41 Bayside Square West, , , Fingal, D13 PX48

    Side and rear wraparound ground floor extension, porch extension, new pedestrian side access and permeable paving to front

    F24A/0245 View details
  • 35 The Rise, Malahide 35 The Rise, , Malahide, Fingal, K36 KD29

    (A) the demolition of an existing single-storey kitchen extension and internal chimney to facilitate the construction of (B) a single-storey extension containing an open plan kitchen, dining, living area to the rear of the existing dwelling; (C) internal and external amendments to the existing dwelling; and (D) all associated site and landscaping works at 35 The Rise, Malahde, Co. Dublin

    F24A/1013E View details
  • Once Upon a Time - Hansfield 11 & 12 Hansfield Square, , Hansfield, Fingal, D15 NR2C

    Fit out only of two storey shell & core childcare facility

    Application No.:
    View details
  • 24224 - Watery Lane - New Dwelling Watery Lane, , Swords, Fingal,

    Construction of a two storey timber framed house with new vehicular entrance and ancillary works - Opt Out

    F24A/0549 View details
  • Mainscourt 38kV ESB Substation Building Mainscourt, , Ballyboughal, Fingal,

    38kV ESb substation comprising a single-storey building and external plinths

    F22A/0386 View details



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