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Netherfield Saucerstown Swords Naul Road, , Swords, Fingal,Description:
Decommissioning of existing septic tank, new wastewater treatment unit for existing house, construction of a new detached 2 storey, three bedroom dwelling, access from existing vehicular entrance to be shared.new wastewater treatment unit & all associated development works.
Extension & Refurbishment Works at Cairn View, Skerries Skerries, Fingal, K34 PK35Description:
(i) New flat roof extension to the front at first-floor level of the dwelling; (ii) Omission of the previously granted second floor of the dwelling; (iii) Amendments to windows and rooflights generally, including omissions/ additions; (iv) Amendments to all previously granted elevations; (vi) Landscaping works and all associated works necessary to facilitate the development.
Palmer Road Rush Palmer Road, , Rush, Fingal,Description:
Construction of 28no. 2 storey houses of masonry construction at Palmer Road, Rush, Co. Dublin
Attic conversion 10 Sorrel Heath, , Dublin, Fingal, D15 Y7F3Description:
Construction of 2 rooflights in main front of property, construction of a dormer window in the main roof to the rear and building up a gable wall of the house incorporating one new window to the side of the house and associated site works
St. Joseph's Ave., Creche Saint Joseph's Avenue, , Dublin 15, Fingal,Description:
Proposed construction of two-storey creche forming part of the St. Joseph’s Phase 2&3 development.
Construction of a two storey house 38 Boroimhe Cedars, , Swords, Fingal,Description:
Planning permission for the construction of a two storey, detached, 3 bedroom dwelling to the side, new boundary walls and gates, boundary alterations and all associated site works.
Domestic extension at 5, Dun Emer Green 5 Dun Emer Green, , Lusk, Fingal, K45 YP57Description:
A rear ground floor extension incorporating the existing non-habitable garden room with alterations to now make same habitable.
DWELLING B Dwelling 4B, Sutton Strand, Strand Road, Sutton, Dublin 13., , Dublin, Fingal,Description:
Provision of One detached dwelling house (DWELLING B) comprising part one to three storey over basement dwelling located to the front of the site. The development includes the relocation of the existing entrance to provide a new access to serve dwelling to the site from Strand Road. The development also incorporates piers, access gates and railings; car parking; boundary treatments; hard and soft landscaping; changes in level and all other associated site works above and below ground.
DEMOLITION OF THE EXISTING GARAGE AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDE AND REAR EXTENSION including adjustments to the windows and cladding to the front elevation and all associated site works.
Proposed New Dwelling R130, , Palmerstown, Oldtown, Fingal, 0000Description:
Demolition of existing pre-fab structure, Construction of a single dwelling (2 storey 4 No. bedrooms) new wastewater treatment system to serve proposed dwelling, also all associated site works.