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  • 28A EXTENSION 28A Beechpark Lawn, Castleknock, Dublin 15., , Dublin, Fingal, D15 AC8P


    FW24A/0358 View details
  • AnovoCare Nursing Home Alterations AnovoCare Nursing Home, Stockhole Lane, , Swords, Fingal, K67 T8P0

    The works consist of the proposed material alterations to three existing rooms: meeting room, admin office, and Clinical Therapy Room at ground floor level, for use as 3no. bedrooms. The proposed works will include the reconfiguration of the internal rooms to provide a bedspace and ensuite WC facilities in each of the rooms and the construction of a new partition between the Clinical Therapy Room and the reception area. There are no other works proposed as part of this Commencement Notice Application.

    F24A/0189 View details
  • New house for Gary English at Tobersool Lane Tobersool Lane, , Balbriggan, Fingal,

    new detached one and a half storey dwellinghouse along with onsite waste water treatment system & percolation area & surface water soakaway (drainage approved under application F22A/0364) & all associated siteworks. Note:- Site is located within a Rural Cluster (RC) zoning.

    F24A/0343 View details
  • House at Richardstown Richardstown, , Ballyboughal, Fingal,

    New detached two storey house, new waste water treatment system and percolation area, soakaway, new vehicular access, and all associated works.

    F24A/0129 View details
  • Wilde - SSR South Shore Road, , Rush, Fingal,

    Construction of one new detached dwelling, new vehicle access, new boundary walls, soakaway, utility connections and all associated site works.

    F24A/0016 View details
  • Regional Biosolids Storage Facility - Building B North Road (R135), , Newtown, Dublin 11, Fingal,

    Provision of a Biosolids Storage Building with approx. dimensions of 50m wide, 105m long and 15m in height, and all site development works.

    ABP-301798-18 View details
  • Avril Marrey Site to rear of Rivendell, Margaretstown, Skerries, Co. Dublin, K34 WK73, , Rivendell, Margaretstown, Skerries, Co. Dublin, K34 WK73, Fingal,

    Single storey detached dwelling and all ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development.

    F24A/0019 View details
  • 1 Hadleigh Court Hadleigh Court, , Dublin, Fingal, D15 YVN6

    Extensions to a residential dwelling

    FW23A/0385 View details
  • 69 Offington Park Offington Park, , Dublin, Fingal, D13 H6X0

    A) Demolition of existing single storey south/east rear extension, 2 no. existing chimneys, and existing north/west external storage. B) Proposed construction of a new extension to the east side. C) Proposed attic conversion with associated 1 no. new dormer to the front and 1 no. new dormer to the rear with render finish, the amendment of one of the existing roof lights, and the construction of 2 no. roof lights. D) Proposed adjustments to all existing window & door openings to the existing dwelling. E) Proposed external insulation with render finish to the whole house, together with all associated landscaping and site works.

    F24A/0393 View details
  • Hansfield Beechwood 4 Beechwood Heath, , Hansfield, Fingal,

    At Nos 37, 39, 41 & 43 Beechwood Heath, Hansfield, Dublin 15 the construction of 4 no. new two-storey houses of masonry construction and all associated site works.

    FW24A/0333E View details



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