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  • 30 Station Road 30 Station House, Station Road, , Ongar, Fingal, D15 X9EV

    Change of use from retail into day care centre for Stewarts Care at Unit 30 Station House, Station Road, Hansfield Station, Dublin 15.

    FW24A/0181E View details
  • Dev. at 3 Swords Manor Drive, Swords, Co Dublin, K67 C6K8 3 Swords Manor Drive, Swords, Co Dublin,, , Swords, Fingal, K67 C6K8

    The conversion of attic space with a new dormer roof to the rear of the existing house roof and all ancillary works.

    F23A/0177 View details
  • Karibu Sana Malahide, Fingal, K36 EY13

    Renovations to an existing two storey dwelling to include 1: Demolition of existing conservatory, bay windows, chimney and porch structures. 2: Extensions to the side and rear elevations of the existing two storey dwelling including an external covered terrace 3: New entrance canopy and revised windows and surrounds to front elevation. 4: Modified window openings to all elevations. 5: All associated site works, drainage, hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments.

    F24A/0152 View details
  • Aldi Extension Mulhuddart Navan Road, , Dublin, Fingal, D15 FP99

    Aldi - Extension of the existing single storey licensed convenience food store in Main Street, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15, D15 FP99.

    FW22A/0208 View details
  • Dwelling Renovation & Extension at Newhaggard, Lusk, Co. Dublin Newhaggard, , Lusk, Fingal, K45HK53

    Interior renovation of existing brick dwelling with an extension and steel canopy to the rear.

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  • Dental Fitout and Change of Use Unit 1, Building 1, Swift Square, Santry. Unit 1, Building 1,, , Santry, Dublin 9, Fingal, D09 A0E4

    R 12 Dental Unit Fitout to proposed change of use from office unit to Dental Practice. at Unit 1, Building 1, Swift Square, Santry, Dublin 9, D09 A0E4

    F23A/0709 View details
  • 8 Burrowfield Road Burrowfield Road, , Dublin, Fingal, D13 Y6T0

    to construct a new front porch at ground floor level to front [north] of house comprising an area of 5.2 m2 and to extend to front [north], side [west] above the existing garage, and rear [south] of house consisting of a bathroom and bedroom extension comprising an additional total area at first floor level of 22 m2. The proposal will include brick facing to the front, to match existing house, and rendered external walls to the side and rear, to match existing finishes. A bedroom window to the south at first floor level is proposed, and a small additional obscured glass window to the side, serving the new bathroom. The existing obscured glass window to the side at the stairwell will be retained and an additional skylight to the hipped roof to the side is proposed. A new glazed roof structure at ground floor level is proposed to the rear, replacing the existing glazed conservatory in this location.

    F24A/0396 View details
  • Garden Shed 2 Waterside Park, , Malahide, Fingal,

    The development will consist of provision of a single storey timber shed to the rear garden, with all associated site works.

    F24A/0569 View details
  • Sysco The Ward, Killamonan, Dublin Fingal, D11 VP3F

    Cat a fit out of the ground floor and 1st floor at Sysco The Ward, Killamonan, Dublin.

    Application No.:
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  • Ballyboughal GAA Club Extension R108, , Ballyboughal, Fingal, A41 NP04

    Development consisting of a two storey extension (288m2) to the existing club premises to accommodate new dressing rooms, gym, toilets, and storage. As well as associated ancillary works including landscaping at Ballyboughal GAA Club, Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin

    F23A/0063 View details



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