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Kellystown Residential block (to be known as Block A) Kellystown, , Dublin 15, Fingal,Description:
Proposed construction residential block (to be known as Block A)forming part of a development at the site to known as Kellystown SHD2 At Kellystown, Dublin 15
Brookfield Southern Lands Brookfield, , Malahide, Fingal,Description:
Development consisting of the construction of 36no. 2 storey dwellings, all associated parking, landscaped open space and ancillary site development works.
Glebe Barn Glebe Road, , Kilsallaghan, Fingal, K67 A892Description:
Extension of existing barn building to form a new residence.
The Bawn Cottages, Malahide, Co. Dublin Plot beside the lane to 'St. Mary's' and, Opposite house nos. 22 and 23 The Bawn Cottages, , Malahide, Fingal,Description:
Permission is sought for modifications to Planning reg. ref. F22A/0207, currently under construction, to include: 1. Single storey extension to the rear ( attached to the rear of the single storey part of the house under construction) and related changes to the approved rear facade.2 New side window with obscure glass to side ( west) facade ( and omit approved window). 3. Move position of approved high level window to rear (South) facade.
Phase 1: Construction of 6no. Houses at Mill Hill Park Skerries, County Dublin 1 Millhill Park, , Skerries, Fingal,Description:
Construction of 6no. Houses at Mill Hill Park Skerries, County Dublin
plots no. 1 to 28 (inc), no. 47 & 48 and no. 54 to 58 (inc.) SHD Land's, Backroad, Malahide, Backroad, Malahide, Co. Dublin., , Malahide, Fingal,Description:
Construction of 35 no. new dwelling houses and associated site works, plots no. 1 to 28 (inc), no. 47 & 48 and no. 54 to 58 (inc.) SHD Land's, Backroad, Malahide, Co. Dublin.
69 Sutton Park 69 Sutton Park, , Dublin, Fingal, D13 WC81Description:
Demolition of chimney to side & boiler house to rear. Garage conversion with new single storey extension (6.6m2) to front including new porch with tiled roof over. Internal alterations to provide open plan kitchen / dining & installation of utility room. Modifications to GF window to side and FF landing window to side and to widen existing vehicular entrance to front.
1 The Drive Phesants Run Dublin 15 1 The Drive Phesants Run, , Dublin 15, Fingal, D15 C6R6Description:
Family Flat to the side of exiting dwelling
AT - Kinsealy Cottages, Kinsealy Lane, Malahide, Dublin Kinsealy Lane, , Malahide, Fingal,Description:
3 new detached 4 bed houses including access road, changes to site entrance to accommodate sight lines and all associated site works.
6 Stockton Drive, Castleknock, Dublin 15 6 Stockton Drive, , Dublin, Fingal, D15 PW1YDescription:
Permission for a garage conversion and small extension to the front of the house including a new porch