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Construction of Nursing Home at St Jochims, Ratoath Road, Finglas, Dublin 11 St Jochims, Ratoath Road, Finglas, , Dublin 11, Dublin,Description:
Construction of 115 Bedrooms (123 bed) 4-storey with partial-setback 5th storey nursing home and all ancillary works.
ESB Substation at Plot 2B, Unit 272 & 273, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15 Unit 272 & 273, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Ballycoolin, , Dublin, Fingal,Description:
ESB Substation at Plot 2B, Unit 272 & 273, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15
16 The Rise, St Marnocks, Portmarnock 16 The Rise, , Portmarnock, Fingal, D13 TRR9Description:
Two storey extension to side and single storey extension to rear along with ancillary works
19 Sutton Lawns 19 Sutton Lawns,, , Sutton, Fingal, D13 W3W5Description:
Construction of single story extension to rear, modification of existing first floor window to front,two new box dormers to attic level, four new rooflights along with associated landscaping and site works.
69 Balglass Road, Howth, Dublin 13, D13 DK50 69 balglass road, , Dublin, Fingal, D13 DK50Description:
Construction for a new single storey extension to the rear, a new two storey extension to the side gable, with associated extension of existing pitched roof, conversion of the existing loft and construction of an associated dormer window and reconstruction of existing driveway.
DUB01EX - MV1 Building and CSB Building Ballycoolin Road, , Dublin, Fingal,Description:
Proposed Construction of an MV Building (MV1) and a Combined Services Building (CSB) at Orion Business Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15.
Astra Zeneca Project Joyce - Chemical Materials Store College Business & Technology Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, , Dublin 15, Fingal,Description:
Astra Zeneca Project Joyce - Construction of a single storey Chemical Materials Store
Garden Shed 26 Mount Eustace Drive, , Tyrrelstown, Fingal,Description:
House to side of 7 Ardgillen Drive 7 Ardgillan Drive, , Balbriggan, Fingal,Description:
Construction of a new two storey detached dwelling to side of existing dwelling site with a new vehicular entrance, demolition of existing side wall, rebuilt on property boundary line & all associated site works.
Regional Biosolids Storage Facility - M&E Control Building B R135, , Dublin, Fingal,Description:
Construction of a single storey Mechanical and electrical control building (approximately 46 square metres gross floor area, 3.17 metres high).