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Regional Biosolids Storage Facility - M&E Control Building A R135, , Dublin, Fingal,Description:
Construction of a single storey Mechanical and electrical control building (approximately 46 square metres gross floor area, 3.17 metres high).
DHL Global Forwarding Unit 8, Cedar Drive, Dublin Airport Logistics Park,, , St. Margaret’s, Fingal, K67 R970Description:
Installations and fitting new stud partitions, glazed partitioning associated doors and joinery installations, ceiling panel, flooring, tape & joint and decorating all walls, feature MF ceiling & exposed ceiling and fire-rated MF ceiling below mezzanine floor. Mechanical and Electrical works comprising; new installations to suit the new layout configuration, general lighting and new task lighting, new power and ICT cabling, new HVAC installations, alterations to existing life safety systems to suit the new layout, and test and commissioning of all installations.
Application No.: -
Front, Rear & Side Extensions. 2 Millview Court, , Malahide, Fingal, K36 P272Description:
Front and Rear ground floor Extension & First Floor Side Extensions.
18498 - Northwood Medical Practice Unit 8, Ground Floor, Block B, Blackwood Court, Northwood Avenue, Northwood, , Dublin, Fingal, D09 FF6KDescription:
Material alteration and change of use from existing office to use as a medical practice, including amalgamation of Unit 8 and the adjoining refuse store to the rear forming a larger single unit. The works shall consist of internal alterations and internal fitout to provide a medical practice.
27 Ravenswood Rise 27 Ravenswood Rise, Castaheany, Dublin 15, , Dublin, Fingal, D15 K7K8Description:
For planning permission for the construction of a new 21sq.m. First floor extension to the side with pitched roof to match existing and a 20sq.m. Flat roof ground floor extension to the rear of the existing two storey semi-detached dwelling and to include ancillary works 27 Ravenswood Rise, Castaheany, Dublin 15, D15 K7K8.
Works at Unit 35, Coolmine Industrial Estate Unit 35, Porters Avenue, Coolmine Industrial Estate, , Dublin, Fingal, D15 FY53Description:
Change of use of an existing light industrial building to a place of worship to accommodate a 232 seated congregation with ancillary community rooms, library, toilets and alterations to the front facade.
Lakeside Memorial Park Lakeside Memorial Park, , Dublin, Fingal,Description:
Development of a landscaped memorial park (Lakeside Memorial Park) including the construction of a single storey administration building and a part-single part-two storey maintenance facility building at Lakeside Memorial Park, Old Portmarnock, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin, D13 V8X2
Rear of The Brick House, 24 Harbour Road, Skerries 24 Harbour Road, , Skerries, Fingal, K34 RW82Description:
Modifications to existing external access stairs from ground floor level to rear laneway level, new raised level for bin store with screening and all associated site works.
Bunbury Attic Redmond 63 Bunbury Gate Avenue, , Swords, Fingal, K67 XR22Description:
Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, raising existing gable c/w window, new access stairs and 2no. roof windows to the front and rear.
25 South Hill, Sutton, Dublin 13, D13NP49 25 South Hill, , Sutton, Dublin, Fingal, D13 NP49Description:
Planning permission for Attic conversion with dormer to rear roof to accommodate stairs to allow conversion of attic to a non habitable storage space, Removal of chimney all with associated ancillary works.