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1671 results

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  • Extension to an Existing Shed N80, Bunclody, carlow, Y21 RY11

    The proposed 4 Bay extension to an existing round roof machinery shed, to match the existing building height of 7.14 m and all associated ground-works

    1991 View details
  • Darcy Bagenalstown Project Unnamed Road, Bgenalstown, Co. Carlow., carlow

    construction of dwelling with sunroom & garage, entrance septic tank with peroclation area,

    1539 View details
  • 29no Terrace and 6no Semi Detached Dwellings, Chapelstown, Tullow Road, Carlow Tullow Road, Carlow, carlow

    Permission to amend a permitted residential development (CCC Reg. Ref.: 14/365) at this site of c.3.46 hectares. The development will consist of amendments to the permitted development, comprising: the replacement of 27 No. 4 bed 2 storey semi-detached/detached houses (ranging in size from c.122.8 sqm GFA to c.145.4 sqm GFA); with 35 No 2 storey houses comprising 16 No. 2 bed terraced units (c.81.8 sqm GFA) and 19 No. 3 bed semi-detached/terraced units (c.97.5 sqm GFA). The amendment will result in an increase from 85 No 2 storey houses (54 No. 3 bed semi-detached units and 31 No. 4 bed semi-detached/detached units) to 93 No. 2 storey houses (16 No. 2 bed terraced/semi-detached units, 73 No. 3 bed semi-detached/terraced units and 4 No. 4 bedroom units) an increase of 8 No. units. The amended development will be served by internal road layout and site access from Tullow Road, as permitted under Reg. Ref.: 14/365. The proposed development comprises associated landscaping (public and private open space areas) and boundary treatment works, associated amendments to internal footpaths, permitted site services (foul, surface water drainage and water supply) and all other site development works, site excavation and infrastructural works above and below ground

    18/332 View details
  • Richard Kelly & Ann Murphy Scorteen, Borris, carlow

    The construction of a part single storey, part two storey dwelling, bored well, waste water treatment system, new domestic entrance and all associated site works at Scorteen, Borris, Co. Carlow.

    18/497 View details
  • 6 units at Pollerton Big Pollerton Big, Carlow, carlow

    construct 2 no. blocks of 3 no. single storey dwelling houses, 2 no. site entrances, to connect to public services, all ancillary site works and services

    18202 View details
  • OPt Out Dwelling - Ballinkillin, Bagenalstown - Ger Redmond & Mary Farrell Ballinkillen, Bagenalstown, carlow

    To Construct a New Bungalow, Garage, Sewerage system, bored well, entrance and associated site works.

    18215 View details
  • Declan Kelly Clogrennane, Clogrennane, carlow

    New Detached Bungalow & associated site works

    19/51 View details
  • 58 no. two-storey semi-detached dwellings, Chapelstown, Tullow Road, Carlow 4 N80, Carlow, carlow

    development of 58 no. two-storey semi-detached dwellings, associated amenity open space, pedestrian and vehicular access, internal roads and footpaths, site boundaries, underground services and all associated site works on a 3.46 hectare site at Chapelstown, Tullow Road, Carlow. The site forms part of a larger site which was previously granted planning permission for a housing development (P.A. Reg.Ref: PL 99/104) and the overall layout, open space and services would be as previously permitted with a minor modification to the previously permitted internal road layout.

    14365 View details
  • MSD Carlow 2 Dublin Road, Carlow, carlow, R93 KF74

    MSD Carlow 2: Extension to the existing biologics formulation and filling facility comprising a new Production Building, Warehouse, Energy Centre, Utilities Building and associated works.

    19/54 View details
  • Open Shelter at Kellys of Borris Borris, Borris, carlow, R95 HY06

    Construction of a machinery shed - open shelter - the proposed structure is considered exemptfrom fsc & DAC

    18172 View details



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