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Extension and Works to existing house at Bough Lodge, Rathvilly Bough Lodge, Rathvilly, carlow, R93 H218Description:
To construct a single storey extension to the side of existing single storey dwelling house & to raise the roof of existing dwelling house, and all ancillary site works and services
Construction of 8 no houses at 11 -18 inclusive, Maple Road, Rivercourt, O'Brien Rd, Carlow 11 Maple Road, Carlow, carlowDescription:
Construction of 8 no dwellings in 2 no two storey blocks on site no. 11 to 18 inclusive, Maple Road and all site development works including surface water and foul water drainage, roads, footpaths, public open space.
An Caislean, Dublin Road, Tullow, Co. Carlow 69 Father Murphy Terrace, Tullow, carlowDescription:
Construction of 21No Dwellings at An Caislean, Dublin Road, Tullow, Co. Carlow and all associated site works.
Application No.: -
8 Houses Fr. Flood Avenue, Rathvilly Fr. Flood Avenue, Rathvilly, carlowDescription:
Construction of 8 no. two storey houses (4 no. 2 beds, 4 no. 3 beds) and all associated site works.
Application No.: -
Extension and Internal Alterations to Borris Vocational School R702, Borris, carlow, R95 Y778Description:
Two-storey extension to the existing school comprising 3 No. mainstream classrooms and single Class ASD Unit with all ancillary accommodation on upper ground floor level and a plant room at lower ground floor level.
Altamont Gardens Unnamed Road, Altamont, carlow, R93 N882Description:
Replacement of existing Septic Tank with Sewage Treatment Plant and 1000m2 Percolation area
Dwelling House at Craan, Kildavin, Co. Carlow N80, Kildavin, carlowDescription:
Proposed 2 storey dwelling house and single storey outbuilding together with on site sewage treatment system, new bored well, new site entrance and all other associated works
New Dwelling @ Drummin Drummond, St.Mullins, carlowDescription:
Erection of a dwelling house, domestic garage/store, installation of a treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works for John Doyle & Denise Coyne at Drummin, St.Mullins, Co.Carlow.
Extension 2018 - O'Brien Road, Carlow - Burnside Eurocyl Ltd O'Brien Road, Carlow, carlow, R93 XT62Description:
The completion of previously commenced extension to the side of existing industrial building with all associated site development works
Rathvilly Water Treatment Plant - Roof Upgrade Works 55 Slaney Bank View, Rathvilly, carlow, R93 FY97Description:
Works to construct new pitched metal clad roofs over existing flat roofs on existing buildings at Rathvillly Water Treatment Plant, Rathvilly, Co. Carlow. The Works include the following: Securing the site and setting up accommodation. Putting in place measures to mitigate against damage to the Ecology of the area and of the adjacent river as identified in the works requirements. Putting in place protective measures for the existing tanks, services & personnel. Putting in place temporary contractor designed access provisions. Surveying of the existing structures Production of fabrication drawings for new structural steel and cladding components. Fabrication and installation of new steel components and installation of cladding panels, gutters, fascia & soffit with associated flashings and downpipes. Cutting & demolition of existing roof to allow creation of a new opening. Cutting & demolition of existing concrete and blockwork parapets (partial). Making good site on completion of works.